Hikeshi is a security incident response application that keeps it simple to document security incidents, so you can focus on fighting fires.
You can find all of our documentation here.
The name comes from the firefighting system established in Japan during the Edo period. Incident response involves a lot of "firefighting" in the sense that you're only called upon when something has gone very wrong. In high stress situations, it's nice to have a simple tool that assists you while you fight those fires. The primary hope for this application is to create a tool that doesn't get in the way or add to the stress of incident response. It aims to be simple, reliable, and unobtrusive.
It isn't feature packed, but it does exactly what it needs to while you take care of the incidents at hand.
- No cluttered UI.
- No noisey in-app notifications.
- Web Hooks encourage you to integrate with slack.
- Dark mode support by default.
- Designed specifically for incident response.