A React-Native BoilerPlate to start coding immediately
tags: #react-native #ES6 #BABEL #Prettier #ESLINT #AIRBNB
- Reusable component
- Support different Languages
- Comprehensive structure and easy to maintain/use/learn
- Package Containts the most used packages
- Lint Using Airbnb and Prettier
- Most used command are now optimized in Package.json
- /src
assets: containts all the assets (Image, Icons...)
views: our views which is the startingScreen, homescreen and other two screens
Components: our Component That are used in many views
config : we put our configuration on the folder such as keys,
locales: for changing the language using i18n
theme: our Theme variable
navigation: Navigation in the application
utils: most used functions
Redux : - action: action folder - reducer: reducer folder - logics: our funtions that calls the actions - actionTypes: different Action types - initialState: our initial state - rootReducer: our Root Reducer - configureStore:
our Store- /__tests __ : where we put our tests
- yarn install
- yarn link-ios
- yarn ios or yarn android
Reach out to me at one of the following places!
- MIT license
- Copyright 2019 ©