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Setup the Software Stack

Kevin Pedro edited this page Aug 8, 2024 · 9 revisions

You will only need to do this once per cluster. If you are on CMS Connect, remember that files on the /scratch disk will be removed if they are unused for 30 days.

  1. Log into CMS Connect (replace [username] with your CMS Connect username):
    ssh [username]
  2. Enter the RHEL7 container:
    cmssw-el7 --env "PERL5LIB=" --bind `readlink -f $HOME` --bind /scratch --bind /ospool --bind /cvmfs -- /bin/bash
  3. Make a working directory:
    mkdir -p /scratch/`whoami`/; cd /scratch/`whoami`/
  4. Follow the SVJProduction installation instructions, being sure to install all the HLT releases:
    chmod +x
    ./ -t
    cd CMSSW_10_6_29_patch1/src
    cd SVJ/Production
  5. Get a grid proxy
    voms-proxy-init -voms cms --valid 168:00
  6. Check that the grid proxy can be found:
    echo $X509_USER_PROXY
    If this command doesn't print any output, do the following:
    mkdir -p ~/tmp
    export X509_USER_PROXY=~/tmp/x509up
    then repeat step 4. You should put the line export X509_USER_PROXY=~/tmp/x509up in your .bashrc or .bash_profile (as described in Prerequisites).


What if I've already setup my CMSSW release and now there are updates to the SVJProduction and/or CondorProduction software?

This can happen occasionally due to bug fixes or new features. In order to update an existing software stack, run the following commands:

cd ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/Condor/Production/
git pull origin master
cd ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/SVJ/Production/
git pull origin Run2_UL
cd ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/
scram b -j 8
cd ${CMSSW_BASE}/src/SVJ/Production/batch

For consistency, you should repeat this process for any HLT releases in use (found in ${CMSSW_BASE}/../HLT).

Remember to remake and store the CMSSW tarball using so that the jobs pick up the new software. More information about this command can be found in Prepare and Submit Jobs (step 3).