Run to install the correct branches of all dependencies.
Fisher testing and datacard writing are split into three jobs.
First, do all the fits:
Second, to do the F-tests and generate the workspaces:
Third, create the datacards:
Fourth, run a bias test:
./ 2100 20 03 peak highCut 300 0 0 1 8
for Condor submission: make sure to change directories in the following files:
- Stat/Limits/test/condorScripts/ : lines 19, 27
- Stat/Limits/test/condorScripts/ : lines 7, 37
- Stat/Limits/test/condorScripts/ftest.jdl : line 10
- Stat/Limits/test/condorScripts/ : lines 7, 37
- Stat/Limits/test/condorScripts/allFits.jdl : line 11
- Stat/Limits/test/condorScripts/ : lines 7, 48 (the jdl doesn't require any change)
- Stat/Limits/test/condorScripts/condor_FourStepBiasBF.jdl : line 21
- Stat/Limits/test/condorScripts/condor_LimitBias.jdl : line 22
- Stat/Limits/test/condorScripts/ : line 7
- Stat/Limits/test/condorScripts/ : lines 13, 37 (the jdl doesn't require any change)
step 1, do all fits:
condor_submit allFits.jdl
step 2, do F-tests:
condor_submit ftest.jdl
step 3, create datacards:
condor_submit datacardsOnly.jdl
step 4, run the combine commands to do the bias testing:
condor_submit condor_FourStepBiasBF.jdl
step 5, run the limit bias tests:
condor_submit condor_LimitBias.jdl
step 6, run the limits:
condor_submit condor_runLimitsPool.jdl