Database must be called "wp_cobianzo2"
- contains a bunch of the development databases used along time. Most of them will include dummy data.
- IMPORTANT: any database in this folder MUST replace any reference to the absolute path of the proejct as "SITEURL" (without quotas)
- For instance, if your working url is http://localhost/cobianzo2/www, then when you dump any database, make sure to replace any occurrence with that string into SITEURL.
- Any database here MUST keep the name file format: YYYY-MM-DD-description-of-database.
load-latest-db-dump.php It's independent from the git project (every developer might have different settings on it). load-latest-db-dump-sample.php is a template to be used and renamed by any developer in this project. By loading this script in the browser, the latest database in /db-dump/ will be loaded in wp_cobianzo2.
The theme has its own README.MD
- In wp-config.php we have the params to connect to our local database.
- There are some other params that be set up: