2023-03-10 homework.
Node, npm learning second homework
Writing and reading data to files, readline , imports, exports, npm packages install, validation, terminal application.
🎯 Goals:
Use faker npm package and Generate string made of: name, surname, password, email address and birthday.
Write a program to generate people.txt file filled with random person's data.
Every line should end with "\n" new line character.
Extend current program to only allow use program for user with login details:
login: admin
If login details do not match, show red message in a terminal: "Wrong login details";
If new data was successfully saved show message : "Data was successfully saved";
- Extend program to allow logged in user to save more data to file OR check (read) file;
Write NodeJs program, using readline module to allow user enter these values:
- Name
- Surname
- Password
- Email address
- Birthday
using terminal.
Check if values are not empty and email address is in valid format.
Write a program to save provided data to json file named "registration.json".
Show red messages on error;
If registration successful show green message "Registration successful";
Task For myself: to practice more few extra validations (valid date, length)
Must have Node.js installed
Clone the repo
Go into project directory and Install NPM packages
npm install
run index.js for help
node .
npm start
use application:
npm run task1
npm run task2
npm run task3
npm run bonus