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Agora Video call demo app

React Native app to demo for Agora Video SDK


  • Development-Setup - Follow the instruction on the link to setup you development envrionment for Mac, Windows or Linux.
  • Node - v16.14.2

Initializing Project

After you have completed above setup, continue to initialize your project:
  • Clone this project and how to install them.
  • Clone the repo

    git clone <REPO_URL>
  • Install node modules

    npm install or yarn install

Setting up Project env variables

  • Use the .env.template file in your root directory, to create your and files.

  • - Store your development keys in this file.

  • - Store your production keys in this file.

  • Add your AGORA_APP_ID from agora development console.

  • You can use the ENV variable in you code, by importing them like below:

    import Config from 'react-native-config';

Folder structure

This template follows a very simple project structure:

  • src: Main folder contains all your source code

  • api: Contains all your api code.

  • assets: Contains all your project inuse assets and images.

  • components: Contains common components which are used in your project.

  • constants: Contains all the constant for the project for eg, enums, color and string constant.

  • navigation: Your project routes navigator.

  • screen: Contains all screen which are used in our project.

  • services: Contain common services used in your project.

  • shared: Contain common shared code for your project.

  • store: Contains Redux actions and reducers code.

  • utils: Contain Utility functions.

  • App.js: Main component that starts your whole app.

  • index.js: Entry point of your application as per React-Native standards.

Running and Building the project

  • Create your app build with Production and Staging

  • Android

    • Running

      npm run android:dev
      npm run android:prod
    • Build APK

      npm run build:android:dev
      npm run build:android:prod
  • iOS

    • Running

      npm run ios:dev
      npm run ios:prod

      You may also run the apo using Xcode, by selecting preferred environment scheme.