Wire is a Clojure(Script) library for sanely managing component communication
Wire is still a proof of concept and is undergoing breaking changes.
(require '[wire.core :as w])
;; Create new wire and wire tap for a message. Any change functions
;; (tap, lay) are immutable and create a new wire.
(def basic-wire
(-> (w/wire)
(w/tap :hello
(fn [{:keys [msg user]}]
(println (str "hello " msg " from " (or user "nobody")))))))
;; Send message up the wire
(w/act basic-wire :hello {:msg "world"}) ;; => hello world from nobody
;; Create a new wire with extra data laid
(def richs-wire
(w/lay basic-wire nil {:user "rich"}))
;; Send message as you would, with extra laid context
(w/act richs-wire :hello {:msg "world"}) ;; => hello world from rich
;; The initial wire is untouched
(w/act basic-wire :hello {:msg "world"}) ;; => hello world from nobody
Wire pairs well with Show. Check out wired-show to see how you can easily use wire with dom objects.
Copyright © 2018 controlroom.io
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.