The following is based on the methodology proposed in "Loop closure detection for visual SLAM systems using convolutional neural network" (see citation below). Various CNN architectures are available for method evaluation on the Oxford New College and City Centre datasets. The code can easily be extended for additional datasets and CNNs.
X. Zhang, Y. Su and X. Zhu, "Loop closure detection for visual SLAM systems using convolutional neural network," 2017 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC), Huddersfield, 2017, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.23919/IConAC.2017.8082072
NOTE: The Overfeat model is known not to work as it can give the same output for all inputs (see this issue). I do not intend to fix this, but I am open to integrating a PR. The TF slim models still work.
The main script is
and offers the following options.
python --help
usage: [-h] [--dataset DATASET] [--overfeat OVERFEAT]
[--weights_dir WEIGHTS_DIR] [--weights_base WEIGHTS_BASE]
[--layer LAYER] [--plot_gt] [--cluster] [--sweep_median]
CNNs for loop-closure detection.
positional arguments:
model Model name: [overfeat, inception_v{1,2,3,4}, nasnet,
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset DATASET Either "city" or "college".
--overfeat OVERFEAT 0 for small network, 1 for large
--weights_dir WEIGHTS_DIR
Weights directory.
--weights_base WEIGHTS_BASE
Basename of weights file.
--layer LAYER Layer number to extract features from.
--plot_gt Plots heat-map of ground truth and exits
--cluster Additionally performs clustering on sim matrix.
--sweep_median Sweep median filter size values.
--debug Use small number of images to debug code
Note that you need to run the script with python2 to use the OverFeat model, and python3 to use the TensorFlow models.
The following Python packages are needed (installed with pip, conda, etc.):
- tensorflow
- numpy
- scipy
- skimage
- matplotlib
- sklearn
- requests
Additionally, in order to use the Overfeat model, you'll need to install the Python API provided here. The GPU version should ideally be installed, but the authors only provide the source for the CPU version. OverFeat also has a TensorFlow implementation, but does not offer pre-trained checkpoint files. The repository provides package installation instructions.
In order to use the TensorFlow models (everything but OverFeat), you will need to clone the TensorFlow Slim model repository. The easiest way to do so is to clone both this repository and the TensorFlow models repository to the same directory:
git clone
git clone <THIS REPO>
Directory structure should look like this:
+ models/
|--- ...
|--- slim
|--- ...
| ...