Redcap is a proprietary CRF Research TOOL, Institut Curie is NOT proprietary and has no delegation to use or distribute this software. You must follow all requirements from the Redcap owner when you use it. Institut Curie cannot be responsible of the use of redcap software.
It only gives you the definition file (Dockerfile) for the redcap runtime environment.
Docker Image definition for Redcap Helm deployment
You need to be a member of the Redcap Community :
Other Requirements :
To try RedCap :
The dockerfile here gives you all the software requirements to use redcap standalone or with our Helm Chart
To use the docker image
git clone
# Copy the source code from Redcap
cp -r redcap-sources/* ./redcap/code/redcap/
docker build -t redcap redcap
Before you can install the chart you will need to add the curiedfcharts
repo to
helm repo add curiedfcharts
helm repo update
After you've installed the repo you can install the chart.
helm upgrade --install --namespace default --values ./my-values.yaml my-release curiedfcharts/redcap