A baseline Automatic Speech Recognition system for Polish based on Kaldi.
The scripts and files are based on WSJ Kaldi example.
- Krzysztof Marasek
- Danijel Koržinek danijel@pja.edu.pl
- Łukasz Brocki lucas@pja.eud.pl
- Krzysztof Wołk kwolk@pja.edu.pl
If you use this in your research, please cite this paper:
Danijel Koržinek, Krzysztof Marasek, Łukasz Brocki, and Krzysztof Wołk Polish read speech corpus for speech tools and services In Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2016, Aix-en-Provence, 26–28 October 2016, CLARIN Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure, number 136, pages 54–62. Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköpings universitet, 2017.
The audio dataset is released under the license terms described in the LICENSE.audio file.
Any code in this archive that is a part of the Kaldi project (http://kaldi-asr.org) and its license terms are described in the individual files.
Any other code in the archive is released on the same terms as the majority of the Kaldi project - the Apache 2.0 License.
Obtain Kaldi from http://kaldi-asr.org/
Modify path.sh and possibly cmd.sh.
Open and read run.sh for all the details or simply run the script.
The corpus was contructed from the full studio corpus, where ~10% (55) of randomly chosen sessions were held-out for the test set. No speaker can be a part of both train and test sets. If you intend to compare your result to this baseline, we recommend not modifying the train/test set.
%WER 29.90 [ 8684 / 29043, 913 ins, 1868 del, 5903 sub ] exp/mono0/decode/wer_10_0.0
%WER 16.48 [ 4787 / 29043, 719 ins, 847 del, 3221 sub ] exp/tri3b/decode_nosp.si/wer_16_0.0
%WER 15.89 [ 4615 / 29043, 750 ins, 767 del, 3098 sub ] exp/tri3b/decode.si/wer_17_0.0
%WER 15.89 [ 4615 / 29043, 750 ins, 767 del, 3098 sub ] exp/tri3b_mmi/decode.si/wer_17_0.0
%WER 15.89 [ 4615 / 29043, 750 ins, 767 del, 3098 sub ] exp/tri3b_mmi/decode_wb.si/wer_17_0.0
%WER 15.88 [ 4613 / 29043, 660 ins, 851 del, 3102 sub ] exp/tri1/decode/wer_15_0.0
%WER 15.24 [ 4426 / 29043, 672 ins, 795 del, 2959 sub ] exp/tri2a/decode/wer_15_0.0
%WER 14.75 [ 4285 / 29043, 612 ins, 826 del, 2847 sub ] exp/tri2b/decode/wer_17_0.0
%WER 12.20 [ 3542 / 29043, 710 ins, 552 del, 2280 sub ] exp/tri3b/decode_nosp/wer_17_0.0
%WER 11.82 [ 3432 / 29043, 671 ins, 548 del, 2213 sub ] exp/tri3b/decode/wer_17_0.5
%WER 11.21 [ 3256 / 29043, 728 ins, 520 del, 2008 sub ] exp/tri3b_mmi/decode/wer_15_0.5
%WER 11.01 [ 3198 / 29043, 674 ins, 597 del, 1927 sub ] exp/tri3b_mmi/decode_wb/wer_17_0.5
%WER 7.37 [ 2140 / 29043, 381 ins, 416 del, 1343 sub ] exp/nnet3/tdnn1a_sp/decode/wer_13_0.0
%WER 5.73 [ 1663 / 29043, 182 ins, 378 del, 1103 sub ] exp/chain/tdnn1f_sp/decode/wer_10_1.0
%WER 5.30 [ 1540 / 29043, 457 ins, 340 del, 743 sub ] exp/tri3b_mmi/decode_rs/wer_17_1.0
%WER 3.53 [ 1025 / 29043, 262 ins, 229 del, 534 sub ] exp/nnet3/tdnn1a_sp/decode_rs/wer_14_0.0
%WER 2.45 [ 711 / 29043, 113 ins, 184 del, 414 sub ] exp/chain/tdnn1f_sp/decode_rs/wer_13_0.0
exp/tri3b_mmi/decode_wb/oracle_wer: 2.31% [ 672 / 29043, 330 insertions, 25 deletions, 317 substitutions ]
exp/nnet3/tdnn1a_sp/decode/oracle_wer: 1.56% [ 453 / 29043, 174 insertions, 36 deletions, 243 substitutions ]
exp/chain/tdnn1f_sp/decode/oracle_wer: 0.82% [ 237 / 29043, 57 insertions, 25 deletions, 155 substitutions ]
- initial monophone modeltri1
- initial triphone modeltri2a
- triphone model retrained on realigned corpustri2b
- triphones + context (+/-3 frames) + LDAtri3b(nosp)
+ SAT (fMLLR)tri3b(si)
- same as tri3b, but without speaker adaptationtri3b
- tri3b(nosp) but with lexicon rescoring and silence probabilitiestri3b_mmi
- tri3b with MMI discriminative trainingtri3b_mmi(wb)
decoded with a wide beamtri3b_mmi(rs)
rescored with a large LMnnet3
- regular TDNNnnet3(rs)
- TDNN rescored with a large LMchain
- chain TDNNchain(rs)
chain TDNN rescored with a large LM
All the experiment from the start (creating the initial MFCC features) to the last GMM based model (tri3b_mmi/decode_rs
), also including all the decoding steps, took 3 hours and 29 minutes on a double Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v3 @ 2.60GHz using 40 parallel jobs.
The nnet3/run_ivectors_common.sh
script took 35 minuntes to complete on the same CPU settings.
The regular TDNN model took 2 hours 34 minutes on a triple NVIDIA K80 using at most 6 parallel GPU jobs. Decoding on the 40 threads of the CPU took about 5 minutes with an average real-time factor of 1.89 (i.e. almost 2 times slower than real-time).
The chain TDNN took 1 hour 11 minuts on the same GPU settings as above. Decoding on 55 parallel CPU threads took about 2 minutes with an average real-time factor of 1.07 (i.e. almost real-time).