- Linux Hash Cracker is tool for cracking Linux passwords, which, based on a wordlist and the hash/salt of the password, we can crack it and return a result, in plain text, of the password in question.
- Created in 27 / 04 / 2021.
- For more information see my blog and my contributions to community.
Important: First of all, you must have C compiler and Make utilitary installed.
Clone and enter in the project:
git clone https://github.com/dantsec/LinuxHashCracker.git && cd LinuxHashCracker/
- Run
# To compile all.
make all
# To clean all.
make clean
# Executing binary.
./hash_cracker "wordlist_path"
# Hash Example: $1$C.O8tO68$HOR08j8SCGSVc67div3qA/
./hash_cracker wordlists/wordlist.txt
Hash: $1$C.O8tO68$HOR08j8SCGSVc67div3qA/
Salt: $1$C.O8tO68$
[+] Found Password: toor
[*] Finished!
# Create a fork from MagicPantry repository and clone it.
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/LinuxHashCracker.git
# Enter into the folder.
cd LinuxHashCracker/
# Create a new branch with the name feat-[WHAT_YOUR_FEAT_DO].
git checkout -b feat-[WHAT_YOUR_FEAT_DO]
# Make your changes and commit them.
git add . && git commit -m "YOUR_COMMIT_MESSAGE"
# Push and open a pull request.
git push origin [YOUR_BRANCH_NAME]