module "kafka" {
source = ""
name = "default"
environment = "PRODUCTION"
network_id = "my-network-id"
subnet_ids = ["my-subnet-id-a",]
vpc_security_groups = []
create_default_security_group = true
config = {
version = "2.8"
brokers_count = 1
zones = ["ru-central1-a",]
assign_public_ip = false
unmanaged_topics = false
schema_registry = false
resources = {
resource_preset_id = "s2.medium"
disk_type_id = "network-ssd"
disk_size = 128
kafka_config = {
compression_type = "COMPRESSION_TYPE_ZSTD"
log_flush_interval_messages = 1024
log_flush_interval_ms = 1000
log_flush_scheduler_interval_ms = 1000
log_retention_bytes = 1073741824
log_retention_hours = 168
log_retention_minutes = 10080
log_retention_ms = 86400000
log_segment_bytes = 134217728
log_preallocate = false
num_partitions = 10
default_replication_factor = 1
auto_create_topics_enable = false
zookeeper = {
resource_preset_id = "s2.micro"
disk_type_id = "network-ssd"
disk_size = 20
users = [
name = "producer-application"
password = "password"
permissions = [
topic_name = "input"
topic_name = "output"
name = "producer-consumer"
password = "password"
permissions = [
topic_name = "input"
topics = [{
name = "input"
partitions = 4
replication_factor = 1
config = {
cleanup_policy = "CLEANUP_POLICY_COMPACT"
compression_type = "COMPRESSION_TYPE_LZ4"
delete_retention_ms = 86400000
file_delete_delay_ms = 60000
flush_messages = 128
flush_ms = 1000
min_compaction_lag_ms = 0
retention_bytes = 10737418240
retention_ms = 604800000
max_message_bytes = 1048588
min_insync_replicas = 1
segment_bytes = 268435456
preallocate = false
name = "output"
partitions = 4
replication_factor = 1
default_security_group_ingress = [
protocol = "TCP"
description = "Allow All ingress."
v4_cidr_blocks = [""]
port = -1
default_security_group_egress = [
protocol = "ANY"
description = "Allow All egress."
v4_cidr_blocks = [""]
from_port = -1
to_port = -1
Name | Version |
yandex | >= 0.13 |
Name | Version |
yandex | >= 0.13 |
No modules.
Name | Type |
yandex_mdb_kafka_cluster.this | resource |
yandex_mdb_kafka_topic.this | resource |
yandex_vpc_security_group.this | resource |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
config | (Required) Configuration of the Kafka cluster. The structure is documented below. | map |
{} |
no |
create_default_security_group | (Optional) - Create default security group. | bool |
false |
no |
default_security_group_egress | (Optional) - A list of egress rules to create with default security group. | list |
[] |
no |
default_security_group_ingress | (Optional) - A list of ingress rules to create with default security group. | list |
[] |
no |
environment | (Optional) Deployment environment of the Kafka cluster. Can be either PRESTABLE or PRODUCTION. | string |
no |
name | (Required) Cluster name. | any |
n/a | yes |
network_id | (Required) ID of the network, to which the Kafka cluster belongs. | any |
n/a | yes |
subnet_ids | (Optional) IDs of the subnets, to which the Kafka cluster belongs. | any |
null |
no |
topics | (Optional) Kafka topics to create with configuration. | list |
[] |
no |
users | (Optional) A user of the Kafka cluster. | list |
[] |
no |
vpc_security_groups | (Optional) - Assign security groups to instance. | list |
[] |
no |
Name | Description |
yandex_mdb_kafka_cluster | n/a |
yandex_mdb_kafka_topic | n/a |