Basic building blocks for Stimulus controllers.
Extend your controllers by adding and combining modular behaviors. Work in progress.
npm install stimulants
Add the desired behaviors by applying the use functions on your controllers.
import { Controller } from 'stimulus'
import { useDebug, useEvents } from 'stimulants'
export default class extends Controller {
constructor(...args) {
connect() {
disconnect() {
this.emit('custom-event', {})
Console log helper prefixed with the controller name, disabled in production.
this.debug('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 42)
// console.log output in development:
// [test-controller] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 42
Emit and receive custom DOM events. Useful for communicating between parent-child controllers.
The emitting controller's identifier is prepended to the event type for
namespacing: type
→ controller:type
All event listeners are removed when the controller is disconnected.
// Dispatch event from 'child' controller
this.emit('custom-event', { lorem: 'ipsum' })
// Listen for event in 'parent' controller
this.on('child:custom-event', ({ detail }) => {
this.once('child:custom-event', () => {
console.log('I will only run once')
Track and access all connected instances of the current controller. Useful for sibling communication between controllers.
Returns an array of instantiated controller objects. If you need to access the
controllers' DOM elements, map over the array to pluck the element
// Get all connected instances
this.instances.forEach(controller => {
// Get array of DOM elements
const elements = => controller.element)
Adds a live region for announcing updates to screen reader users. Great for partial page visits and dynamically loaded content.
// Announce first heading inside newly fetched content
const heading = document.querySelector('h1, h2')
this.announce(heading.textContent || document.title)