This container can be found pre-built on docker hub as freshsauce/php5-fpm-redis
It's designed to run php-fpm for a nginx container based on image freshsauce/nginx
- Based on official php5.6 fpm build
- exposes port 9000
- volume /var/www web root is /var/www/html
- installs pear
- installs PHP with
- gd
- mbstring
- iconv
- mcrypt
- pdo
- pdo_mysql
- mysql
- redis client via pecl
- expects a php-fpm instance to be running before it's started with an alais of php on port 9000
- sets the default timezone to Europe/London via build/php.ini which is added to the container
docker pull freshsauce/php5-fpm-redis
Or build under your own username on docker
docker build -t username/php5-fpm .
docker run --name php -v /host/web/html:/var/www/html \
--link redis:redis --link mysql:db -d username/php5-fpm-redis
- links to a mysql constainer aliased as db
- links to a redis constainer aliased as redis
- mounts host directory /host/web/html as /var/www/html in the container