This repo contains the source code for Dawn Lit, a social platform for people who have an interest in technology to connect and share thoughts.
Dawn Lit aims to provide a platform that enables users to discuss and share their thoughts anonymously, in contrast to other uncommon career websites. We sincerely value the privacy of our users. The only sensitive data that this website will gather is the login IP, which will exclusively be used for security purposes. We will never acquire or distribute your personal information, contrary to the practices of numerous technology companies and social platforms in the present era.
Dawn Lit is not only a platform built for individuals, but also a platform built by individuals. We are always looking forward to seeing newcomers contribute to this project. You can obtain additional details regarding the contribution by navigating to the end.
Warning: The website is still in the early development phase, and we will perform data deletion occasionally due to technical limitations. We do not recommend that individuals divulge any confidential information at this stage due to the potential security apprehension.
Ubuntu 22.04
Angular 16
, Bootstrap 5
, Typescript
.NET Core 8
, PostgreSQL 16
dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef
dotnet ef migrations add TheMigration
dotnet ef database update
dotnet watch run
ng serve --watch
sudo chmod -R 777 DawnLitWeb/
sudo -i -u postgres psql main
sudo -i -u postgres psql
sudo -i -u postgres psql
sudo -i -u postgres psql
export PATH="$PATH:/home/$USER/.dotnet/tools"
cd ./View/
# build front-end application
docker build . -t angular-app
# run front-end application image with port forwarding from 4200 to 80
docker run --name angular-app -d -p 4200:80 angular-app
# build back-end application
docker build . -t dotnet-app
# run back-end application image with port forwarding from 8080 to 7061
docker run --name dotnet-app -d -p 7061:8080 dotnet-app
I understand this is a challenging time for everyone, so I welcome anyone with an interest in web development to contribute to this project. This is meant to be a place where everyone can try out new ideas and strengthen their skills. You should find some tasks that need to be completed on the issues page, and I would be happy to do some code reviews when needed.
If you don't know where to start, I highly recommend you watch this video from Patrick God: I have a great appreciation for his tutorials and have gained a significant amount of knowledge, even after completing coding bootcamp with a top grade.
If you have any further questions, or you just want to chat, you can find my contact information on my profile page. The most ideal way to reach me is through Discord.
That's it, please enjoy!