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Derek Callaway edited this page Nov 15, 2018 · 13 revisions

strglob wiki

  1. strglob is a C development library designed to enumerate characters/numbers/strings by expanding "globbing" pattern syntax.
  2. Its purpose is to provide a compact specification for test case input string generation.
  3. strglob supports a wide variety of syntax types for both character and string generation including:


Digital Ranges

Letter Ranges

Reverse Ranges


Character Classes

String Classes


String Sets

Shell Features

Environment Expansion

File Includes


Numeric and character ranges are denoted by square brackets

  • [0-9] (numeric range)
  • [a-z] (character range)

Strings are signified with curly braces

  • {abc} (string literal)

Range limits are delimited by dashes which are also for signing negative integers

  • [-1--3] (range from negative to negative)
  • [-1-3] (range from negative to positive)
  • [1--3] (range from positive to negative)
  • [1-3] (range from positive to positive)

String sets are separated by commas

  • {foo,bar,baz} (set of string literals)

Both character and string class names are surrounded by colons

  • {:Wdays:} (string class)
  • [:alnum:] (character class)

Most character class identifiers are taken from the standard C library's ctype.h header file

  • [:punct:] (from ctype.h)
  • [:number:] (NOT from ctype.h)

Bash-style sequence expressions are specified with curly braces and take an optional numeric increment value

  • {0..4..1} (Bourne Again style brace expansion sequence expression, refer to bash(1))