Made with Angular 18 and Material (M3).
(you can put to your homescreen on android)
Needs javascript and access to localStorage. Does not send any data to any server, everything is stored locally - which means, if you clear your browsing data or use in incognito, it will lose whatever tokens were added, so be aware.
git clone
cd totp-app
npm i
ng b
NW.js (formerly node-webkit) enables you to run web apps as desktop apps, similarly to electron, but almost zero-config. The built application contains the manifest file for nw.js to work.
Copy ./dist/totp-app into some secure drive / folder you have and run the following:
nw --user-data-dir=./data totp-app
This will create the user data dir next to the app in a secure location and in the same time makes it portable. Create a batch file or script for shortcut.