myRetail is a rapidly growing company with HQ in Richmond, VA and over 200 stores across the east coast. myRetail wants to make its internal data available to any number of client devices, from to native mobile apps.
The goal of this project is to create an end-to-end Proof-of-Concept for a products API, which will aggregate product data from multiple sources and return it as JSON to the caller.
As the product price data is more dynamic in nature, MySQL is used to store the same. Product details being static in nature, MongoDB is used to store it. The hosted version of the app is available at
- Node.js with Express web application framework
- MongoDB 4.0.5
- MySQL 5.7
- JWT for user authentication.
- Mocha as a Unit Testing framework.
- Eslint for code linting.
- Self signed certificate for https deployment in local mode.
1. Install Node.js and npm (Tested on Node v8.10.0 and npm 6.1.0).
2. Clone the repository.
3. Install the required node modules using "npm install".
4. Install MongoDB and set the connection string in file config/mongodb.js .
Below are the steps for setting up the docker version:
docker pull mongo
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongo mongo
docker start mongo
5. Install MySQL database and set mysql connection parameters in file config/mysql.js
4. Create the database and tables using file mysql_script.sql
6. Start the service using "npm start".
Unit tests can be executed via command "npm test". Results should appear as below:
> export NODE_ENV=test && mocha app/**/*.test.js --exit
GET /users/
✓ should require authorization
✓ responds with JSON
POST /products/create_info
✓ should create product description
POST /products/create
✓ should create product price
PUT /products/update/:id
✓ should update product price (41ms)
DELETE /products/delete/:id
✓ should delete product price
GET /products/:id
✓ should retrieve product price
GET /products/detail/:id
✓ should retrieve product price with description
8 passing (1s)
Install Postman utility.
Download and import the Postman collection for testing the endpoints from the links given below:
Perform login to the application using the endpoint
, username: test, password: test .
The JWT token returned, may be saved in a global environment variable say "token" of postman. Each endpoint should have an authorization of type "Bearer Token" and value = {{token}}.
POST /users/authenticate - Authenticates User
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
Success Response
"id": 1,
"username": "username",
"password": "password",
"firstName": "Test",
"lastName": "User",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOjEsImlhdCI6MTU0ODc2ODU0NX0.WjF7qGrNpB1vv-JZNQAXKw2n0AaQ6AqWizdd-q1kCtM"
Response on authentication failure
"message": "Username or password is incorrect"
POST /products/create - Creates product price
"id": 15117736,
"current_price": {
"value": 5.5,
"currency_code": "USD"
Success Response
"message": "Price record inserted"
Response if record exists
"message": "Product price for id 15117736 already exists"
PUT /products/update/:id - Updates product price using id
"current_price": {
"value" : 9.3,
"currency_code": "USD"
Success Response
"message": "Product price updated"
Response if record does not exist
"message": "Product price for id 15117737 not found"
GET /products/:id - Retrieves product price using id
Success Response
"id": "15117736",
"current_price": {
"value": 5.5,
"currency_code": "USD"
Response if record does not exist
"message": "Product price for id 15117736 not found"
DELETE /products/delete/:id - Deletes product price using id
Success Response
"message": "Price deleted"
Response if record does not exist
"message": "Price not found"
POST /products/create_info - Creates product information
"id": 15117736,
"description": "Iphone 8"
Success Response
"_id": "5c514843df84180017564fbd",
"id": 15117737,
"description": "Iphone 8",
"createdAt": "2019-01-30T06:46:27.667Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-01-30T06:46:27.667Z",
Response if record exists
"message": "Product with id 15117736 already exists"
PUT /products/update_info/:id - Updates product information using id
"description": "Samsung Galaxy"
Success Response
"_id": "5c4f0a2e8499b7001713e379",
"id": 15117736,
"description": "Samsung Galaxy",
"createdAt": "2019-01-28T13:57:02.295Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-01-30T06:49:50.890Z",
Response if record does not exist
"message": "Product not found with id 15117736"
GET products/detail/:id - Retrieves product price and information using id
Success Response
"id": "15117736",
"current_price": {
"value": 5.5,
"currency_code": "USD"
"product_desc": "Samsung Galaxy"
Response if product price not found
"message": "Product price for id 15117736 not found"
Response if product information not found
"message": "Product not found with id 15117738"
API gateway such as tyk may be used to manage the API for faster response and better scalability. CQRS framework like Axon may be used to create the read only replica of price database for faster read queries.