This is a simple HTML page designed for displaying a product with its details like name, price, variants, and an option to buy. The page is styled using CSS for better presentation. Features
- Product Details: Displays the product name, tagline, and price.
- Variants: Allows users to choose from different sizes of the product.
- Price Comparison: Shows both sale and regular prices for comparison.
- Image Display: Dynamically updates the product image based on the selected variant.
- Buy Now Button: Provides a link to purchase the product.
- Clone the repository.
- Open the index.html file in your web browser.
- Select the desired size variant.
- Click on the "Buy Now" button to proceed with the purchase.
- index.html: Contains the HTML structure of the product page.
- design.css: Stylesheet for customizing the appearance of the page.
- code.js: JavaScript file for dynamic updating of product details and image based on the selected variant.
You can customize the following aspects:
- Product Information: Update the product name, tagline, prices, and image sources in the JavaScript product_data object.
- Styling: Modify the CSS styles in design.css to change the look and feel of the page.