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Ray Haleblian edited this page Sep 24, 2022 · 12 revisions

Installing GSPLUS


Download the zip file. Double click on the GSplus-Install.dmg and drag the file into your Applications directory on your Mac. You can start GSplus by double clicking on the app, when it starts hit F4 on the keyboard and use the arrow keys to navigate and setup your config.

Command Line

After downloading and installing (dragging) the into your Applications folder you can run it via terminal.

$ /Applications/
 _______  _______    _   
 |   ____||  _____| _| |_   
 |  |  __ | |_____ |_   _|   
 |  | |  ||_____  |  |_|  
 |  |__| | _____| |   

    GSplus v0.14   


   ./gsplus                           # simple - uses default config.txt
   ./gsplus -config games_hds.gsp     # set custom config file

 You need to supply your own Apple IIgs Firmware ROM image.
 Press F4 when running gsplus to enter config menu and select ROM image location.
 Or copy the ROM image to the gsplus directory.
 It will search for:   "ROM", "ROM.01", "ROM.03" 

  Other command line options: 

    -badrd                Halt on bad reads
    -noignbadacc          Don’t ignore bad memory accesses
    -noignhalt            Don’t ignore code red halts
    -test                 Allow testing
    -joy                  Set joystick number
    -bw                   Force B/W modes
    -dhr140               Use simple double-hires color map
    -fullscreen           Attempt to start emulator in fullscreen
    -highdpi              Attempt to open window in high DPI
    -borderless           Attempt to create borderless window
    -resizeable           Allow you to resize window (non-integral scaling to pixel)
    -mem value            Set memory size to value
    -skip value           Set skip_amt to value
    -audio value          Set audio enable to value
    -arate value          Set preferred audio rate to value
    -enet value           Set ethernet to value
    -config value         Set config file to value
    -debugport value      Set debugport to value
    -ssdir value          Set screenshot save directory to value
    -scanline value       Enable scanline simulator at value %
    -x value              Open emulator window at x value
    -y value              Open emulator window at y value
    -sw value             Scale window to sw pixels wide
    -sh value             Scale window to sh pixels high
    -novsync              Don't force emulator to sync each frame
    -fulldesk             Use desktop 'fake' fullscreen mode
  Note: The final argument, if not a flag, will be tried as a mountable device.

Run GSplus at least once, find a ROM and save the sample config file. It will be called .config.gsp in your home directory. Now you can copy that file and modify the initial disk setup and other parameters and call that config when starting GSplus.

cp ~/.config.gsp ~/.gsplus_gsos.gsp

$ /Applications/ -config ~/.gsplus_gsos.gsp

You can also run GSplus and specify the disk image as the final parameter.

$ /Applications/ ~/scratch/APPLE2/GS-OS.po


It's possible to create a symlink for the GSplus app to simplify commands... In this case, we have created a bin dir in our home directory, and added that to our $PATH

$ ln -s /Applications/ ~/bin/gsplus

$ gsplus
  _______  _______    _   
 |   ____||  _____| _| |_   
 |  |  __ | |_____ |_   _|   
 |  | |  ||_____  |  |_|  
 |  |__| | _____| |   

    GSplus v0.14   


TODO check that these do not change across platforms

F3 Screenshot F4 Configuration menu F6 Emulator speed F9 Swap paddles F11 Full screen

Alt-F4 Quit

CTRL-CMD-ESC - launches the DA where you can enter the Control Panel and set options for the IIGS

XXXX - Resets the IIGS ????

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