A React Higher Order Component (HOC) that allows for use of unstated-next containers in non-FunctionalComponents (class components).
npm i unstated-next-subscribe
To get all of the peer dependencies as well:
npm i react unstated-next unstated-next-subscribe
The subscribeToContainers
HOC wraps class components to provide the containers as props. The prop name is the same as the name of the container.
The example below assumes you have created an unstated-next container named MyAwesomeContainer
import { subscribeToContainers } from 'unstated-next-subscribe';
import MyAwesomeContainer from './MyAwesomeContainer';
class MyAwesomeClassComponent extends Component {
render() {
return <p>{this.props.MyAwesomeContainer.myCoolProp}</p>;
export default subscribeToContainers({ MyAwesomeContainer })(
The first function parameter is an object with containers as values (and the name of the container as the key).
For the TypeScripters among us:
V extends Container<V>,
T extends Record<string, V>
containers: T
The second function parameter is the component you want to give props to.
There are two functions to match conventions seen in Redux connect and other HOCs.