I'm actually using EndeavourOS with the Xfce desktop enviroment base.
This is an user friendly Arch Based distro. Xcfe provides all the basic utilities like network managment, file manager, etc. But
it's only used as base, thus, my usual enviroment is composed by a stand alone Tiling Window Manager and
some dependences like Nitrogen, Picom and some theming.
New Target Distro: Arch Linux
The objective is being capable of set working full-featured and minimalist work enviroment from base arch.
Qtile is a stand alone Tiling window manager written in python.
At this point i've setted all basic utilities and a dynamic workflow, you can see all my configs in its own repo. \
My configs are highly inspired in Antonio Sarosi's files.
The config are basiclly the same as some guy on yt with some minor changes. Go to my nvim repo
I use kitty as my preference terminal emulator with fish as my shell.
My Kitty config files are composed by a few files and a theme folder.
- Font: VictorMono Nerd Font.
- Font size: 11.
- Ligatures: Yes, only disble when are focused by the cursor.
- Some url tweeks opened with Brave.
control + c
: Copy or interrupt function.- Opacity: 85%.
All the themes used come from this repo.
CS used:
- ayu.
- OneDark.
- ayu_mirage.
- Dracula.
- Blazer.
- MaterialDark.
- Obsidian.
- Bright_Lights.
- Argonaut. (Default)
- SpaceGray.
- MonaLisa.
- Spacedust.
- Ollie.
- polar.
- nord.
The theme is applied acording to the current Master Color Scheme.
Basiclly my Fish config consist in setting up the starship prompt and some aliases for custom scripts and the config command for this repo.
I took Antonio Sarosi's Starship config file: check it out.
I use rofi as a launching and switching app menu, using themes some internet themes, matching with the current Master Color Scheme. Font used: VictorMono Nerd Font.
- libnotify.
- Notification-deamon.
- Thunar.
- Nitrogen.
- Picom - jonaburg fork.
- Lxappereance.
- Volumeicon.
- Cbatticon.
- TimeShift.
- Grub customizer.
- Gparted.
- Lightdm.
- Browser: Brave.
- Social:
- Mail Manager: Thunderbird.
- Music: Spotify.
- Clipboard manager: Diodon.
- KDE Connect.
- Offimatica suite: OnlyOffice.
I've created some python and bash scripts to automatice and trigger some changes mainly related to qtile thememing