A new repo to store The Tech Academy's JavaScript coding projects.
This repository will hold the JavaScript projects I've completed as I advance through The Tech Academy's curriculum, beginning with JS fundamentals and progressing to their "Tic-Tac-Toe", "Calculator", "Pizza Menu", and "ToDo App" projects.
The classic game, played against a computer opponent with a max of nine moves:
- All logic written in JavaScript
- HTML & CSS used to style the game components
Capable calculator with the basic features:
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication & division performed on 1st & 2nd operands,
- Allows only a single decimal point in all operations
- "AC" key clears the display
A responsive app to record a pizzeria's online orders:
- Different prices for different-sized pizzas
- A logic check ensures one free topping per order
- DOM updates as order changes
A minimalist to-do app where tasks are parsed into JSON strings:
- Tasks are permanently displayed onscreen
- Appear in unordered lists in the order they were created
- Each task has a delete button