Why (alias) It is a simple program that aims to implement the five-why rule. Whenever you can't decide something or want to find the root of the problem, it's helpful to answer the simple 'why' question 5 times.
"The basis of Toyota's scientific approach is to ask why five times whenever we find a problem … By repeating why five times, the nature of the problem as well as its solution becomes clear. "Taiichi Ohno
Anytime you want to try this practice, just run this program, and you are ready to go.
❯ why Ran through a red light
Why? A:Late for work
Why? A:Woke up late
Why? A:Alarm didn't worke
Why? A:Exhausted battery
Why? A:I forgot to check it
PROBLEM: Ran through a red light
-Late for work
-Woke up late
-Alarm didn't worke
-Exhausted battery
-I forgot to check it
ROOT CAUSE: I forgot to check it
To install you have to copy the repository, then create an alias for command: java <path to repo>/FiveQuestions.java
. Java version for this command should be 11 or above. Also, it's depends from where do you going to run the alias. There should be Console provider.