gir# strava_flutter
Dart/flutter package to use Strava API v3
Follow the "new" Authentication process
##Warning: This package is under heavy refactoring, there might be breaking changes in the following updates.
- authorize
- deauthorize
- getLoggedInAthlete
- updateLoggedInAthlete (scope profile:write)
- getLoggedInAthleteActivities (not limited)
- getLoggedInAthleteZones
- getGearById
- getStats
- getClubById
- getClubActivitiesById
- getClubMembersById
- getRunningRaces
- getRunningRaceById
- createActivity
- uploadActivity (includes getUploadById) Tested on TCX and GPX
To generate TCX you can use the following package
- getSegmentById
- getLoggedInAthleteStarredSegments
- getLeaderboardBySegmentId (not limited)
- starSegment
Check on to see how to install this package
The webview returned by the auth process may throw net::ERR_CLEARTEXT_NOT_PERMITTED
. In this case add android:usersCleartextTraffic="true"
to the AndroidManifest.xml
like below:
1 -Get the client secret in your Strava settings related to your app with "Authorization Callback Domain" set to "redirect"
2 - Settings of the url scheme for Strava Authentication redirect url a) For Android Add the following lines in your AndroidManifest.xml (in android/app/src/)
<!-- To get redirect url when using url_launcher -->
<intent-filter android:label="flutter_web_auth_2">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
android:scheme="stravaflutter" />
3 - set android:launchMode="singleTop"
and remove any android:taskAffinity
b) for iOS Add the following lines in your info.plist (in ios/Flutter/Runner/)
Also for launching the Native Strava app for Authenticate
4 - Create a file secret.dart and put in this file: final String secret = "[Your client secret]"; final String clientId = "[Your appID]";
5 - import 'secret.dart' when you need secret and clientId in Strava API
6 - To see debug info in Strava API, set isInDebug to true in Strava() init
7 - Please check these examples for the moment
If you have any problem or need an API not yet implemented please post a new issue
- Android 7, 8.0.0, 9.0, 10
- iOS 12.1, 13.2, 13.3.1
- NOT working yet on web (Auth problem, not coming back to initial page)
If you spot a problem/bug or if you consider that the code could be better please post an issue. I am not planning to implement all the Strava APIs, because I dont need all of them in my dev. But let me know if you need some APIs that are not in the current list and I will add it. Alternatively, you can easily implement additional API and I will add it to strava_futter.
- Thanks to @Birdyf for developing this package at first place.
- Thanks to Joe Birch, I used his code to better understand Oauth process
- Javier for
strava_flutter is provided under a MIT License. Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Patrick FINKELSTEIN