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🤖 : "My name is Trillian! I'll be your guide to Galaxy E2E Alpha!"

What is this repo? ⚙

🤖 : "This repo contains end-to-end test suites for the web-client"

On this repo's directory and file organisation ⚡️

The directory structure models that of the web client. Each directory contains tests for one application, and corresponds to the same named directory in the web-client repo.

Skipping tests

Reminder: Search for keyword 'SPECIAL' for tests that may need .skips added or removed.

These tests should be unskipped:

Tests that can be run only one time per database reset should be unskipped in master branch.

These tests should be skipped:

(being updated)

For a reference to branches:

Git Branches and Contents

For a quick guide ⚡️ to certain situations, read this section.

For a high level overview of the code, move on to the next section.

Do this, when there's new code in the web-client 🌱 😎 :

  1. If new code is on remote, git pull from the web-client repo.

  2. Otherwise go straight to api-server repo (remember client is symlinked) and run ./bin/edvisor build -s client.

To interact with the database:

  1. mysql -u root

  2. Update with Stripe token to stop Stripe errors.

When you want to reset the database:

  1. Make sure the database is running. If not, mysql.server start.

  2. Then go into .env in api-server repo and make sure database is local.

  3. Then reset the database by running ./bin/edvisor full-reset


An overview of how things are structured

Git Commit Messages

  • Use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature")
  • Use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...")
  • Limit the first line to 72 characters or less
  • Consider starting the commit message with an applicable emoji:
    • :sparkles: when adding a new feature
    • 🎨 :art: when improving the format/structure of the code
    • 🚀 :rocket: when improving performance
    • 📝 :memo: when writing docs
    • 🐛 :bug: when fixing a bug
    • 🔥 :fire: when removing code or files
    • 💚 :green_heart: when fixing the CI build
    • :white_check_mark: when adding tests
    • 🔒 :lock: when dealing with security
    • ⬆️ :arrow_up: when upgrading dependencies
    • ⬇️ :arrow_down: when downgrading dependencies
    • 👕 :shirt: when removing linter warnings

Git Branches and Contents

Branches are divided simply as master, PROJ-\d\d\d\d, and sprint-name.

The branch name reflects the test suites' compatibility with the corresponding web-client and api-server. For example, master tests should work with the master branch of web-client and api-server. weedle tests should work with weedle sprint branch of web-client and api-server.

New tests and fixes should go in the branch they're compatible with. Any other new feature, such as updates to shell scripts, should go into a PROJ branch branched off the merge-base of the branches they affect.

Both PROJ-\d\d\d\d and sprint-name branch off of master and are rebased back onto it.

JavaScript Styleguide

All JavaScript must adhere to JavaScript Standard Style.

  • Prefer the object spread operator ({...anotherObj}) to Object.assign()
  • Inline exports with expressions whenever possible
    // Use this:
    export default class ClassName {
    // Instead of:
    class ClassName {
    export default ClassName

The basic parts of the tests

The .conf file

Where it all begins. The .conf file helps set the stage for your tests.


Suites let you organize your tests. In our tests, those suites that start with a such as aSettings, refer to the Settings functionality of the Agency app. Those that start with s such as sSettings are for the Settings functionality of the School app.

pageObject Patterns 👚

🤖 : "Patterns are beautiful weaves of code"

If it's for a page, such as the Student Profile page, then the filename will be studentProfile.pageObject.js

If it's for a part of a page, such as an Area/Modal etc, then the filename will be addStudentModal.pageObject.js

Each app or sub-app has a pageObject file of its very own. Only the root pageObject file imports from any other pageObject file that it may need. This is to minimize the chaos of pageObjects endlessly importing from others. You can see which pageObjects an app test suite is dependent on by looking at only the imports in the root pageObject file.

spec file patterns

🤖 : "Moar patterns 😍"

The before() and beforeEach functions contain logic that the tests are dependent on but are not being tested. The logic being tested will always be inside an it('should be put in here if being tested').

Naming objects

Here you'll find naming patterns for the variables and prototypal methods we're using.

🤖 : "✨ Magical conventions help keep your sanity."

verb + detail about the element + element type

We use prototypal methods to do actions on the page. Method names are: verb + detail about the element + element type. For example, a method for clicking on a button called 'Change' will be called clickChangeButton.

When there are more buttons called 'Change' on the same page, we'll add contextual details. If the button changes a student's pipeline, we'll call the method that clicks it clickChangePipelineButton(). If there is more than one button that fits this pattern, the order can be included. For example, clickChangePipelineFirstButton()

Initialized variables that correspond to elements on a page follow a similar pattern. They just omit the leading verb, because they don't "do" things. The button being clicked in the example above can be initialized as "changePipelineButton".

Functions prefixed with 'testNeeds' (e.g. testNeedsDuplicatePipeline) means that it isn't meant to represent human behaviour. Rather that it's needed by a test. So such functions may take shortcuts, such as navigating to a specific page in the app by url instead of clicking to it as a user is likely to.

(Undergoing changes) The word 'relative' is used in a name when the element is only available in a given context. For example, 'changePipelineStatusRelativeOption' is an option that only appears when a dropdown is present.

Shared files

/shared/pages/ contains pageObject files belonging to pages that do not possess specs files of their own.

Static methods in widgets.js interact with the page. pageObject files provide a layer of abstraction and so spec files don't directly invoke static widget methods. Instead, spec files may invoke pageObject prototypal methods which in turn call static widget methods.


Filenames may make more sense in context of the complete filepath.

Shell script styleguide

The styleguide linked below is rather good.

shell style guide

Now the fun stuff. What you need to get started 🐣

In addition to the web-client-e2e, you'll need other repos.

To set up the project from the first clone:

  1. Clone api-server and web-client

Then, in both repos:

  1. Run npm install

  2. Run git submodule init

  3. Run git submodule update

  4. Copy the sample env into the env with cp .env.sample .env

  5. You'll need to brew install git-lfs. Then git lfs install.

To set up the client:

  1. Navigate to the web-client repo and run ./bin/edvisor build -s client.

To set up the server:

  1. Run npm install -g gulp. Navigate to the api-server repo.

  2. Symlink client directory to the /client folder in api-server

  3. Run gulp build

  4. Reset the database by running ./bin/edvisor full-reset

  5. Run gulp if you'd prefer nodemon running + want to see errors. Otherwise run gulp start

Ok, setup is done!

Almost ready to run tests. Get the test tools.

You'll need Protractor (and maybe Selenium if not using DirectConnect):

  1. Install Protractor for the project using npm install. This will install all dependencies for the web-client-e2e project.

  2. webdriver-manager will be installed with the above. Now run ./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update. This is for Selenium.

"These need to be running when doing tests!" said the 🤖 happily:

  1. Are you using DirectConnect or Selenium? If Selenium: Protractor may start a standalone Selenium server. Otherwise if you have Protractor installed global from before, run webdriver-manager start. Doesn’t matter where from. Terminal will stay running. Check that conf.js points to this Selenium server. If DirectConnect, check that directConnect: 'true' in conf.js.

  2. Are you running it against localhost (is gulp is running from api-server directory)? You'll need a database. We use MariaDB. Run mysql.server start, one time. Will need to rerun when machine is restarted. FYI, mysql.server stop and mysql.server restart.

  3. Are you running it against on the localhost? If so, run gulp from api-server repo. Will keep running in terminal.

Running the tests

Navigate to the directory containing the conf.js of your desired test. Run test with protractor protractor.conf.js.

Option A: Running all tests (long)

  • protractor protractor.conf.js will run all tests.

Option B: Running a set/suite of tests (Medium!) (coming soon)

  • Options are: invoices, partners, quotes, settings, students - this runs all tests involving each suite
  • protractor protractor.conf.js --suite agency change 'agency' to whatever app you want to test

Option C: Running one specific test (short) (coming soon)

  • protractor protractor.conf.js --specs agency/student_profile_spec.js

Useful Docs (🆓 stuff to put out and prevent pesky 🔥🔥🔥)

🤖 : "I've found these pages very very helpful. Maybe you should check them out. ✨"

Protractor styleguide 🤖 : "This one has good links at the end of"

Best of Mocha, just read this page to start

Protractor docs, with search

Protractor debugging

Protractor timeouts (many errors from here 💩)

Did you know how many ways you'll need to run this for reliable results? This will help 😁

Using MariaDB


End-to-end tests for the web client






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Contributors 3
