This code simulates proton-electron collisions using Pythia8 and saves in HepMC format only the events where a D0 is produced.
Get and run eic-shell
Clone and make pythia
git clone --branch <pythia_version> <pythia_version>
cd <pythia_version>
./configure --with-hepmc3
cd bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(./pythia8-config --libdir):${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
cd ../../
- Clone and compile D0Gen against Pythia
git clone --branch <D0Gen_version> --single-branch
cd D0Gen
g++ -o main41_D0_from_piK `pythia8-config --cxxflags --libs --hepmc3`
For example: <D0Gen_version> = pythia8.306-1.1 corresponds to <pythia_version> = pythia8306
- Execute D0 generator
The code will generate 10 HepMC files, each containing events with a D0 that decay into pion and kaon within the ePIC acceptance of |eta| < 3.5. The code will stop when the desired number of D0s produced (Total_Count) is reached. You can modify the value of Total_Count in the code to change the number of events you want to generate.
- Take the generated outputs and run afterburner with the right setting for example
abconv -p ip6_hidiv_100x10 hepmc_D01.dat