A music streaming application.
- Flutter 3
Please read this carefully before continue.
When you first open the project, create a branch with the name of the feature you will work on.
I want to develop search screen. First I create a branch with git checkout -b search-screen'. Then I make my commits and push with git push -u origin search-screen
Here is a link to help you with git commands: https://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/
When it's done, you can create a pull request on github.
Here is a link to help you with pull requests: https://help.github.com/en/github/collaborating-with-issues-and-pull-requests/creating-a-pull-request
- Variable names should be english world
- camelCase for variable names
- Variable names should be meaningful (No a, b, c but name, age, address, color)
- Class names should be english world
- PascalCase for class names
- Class names should express what the class is
- For Widget that represent a screen, the name should end with Screen
- For Widget that represent a component, the name should end with Component but this is not necessary
- Function names should be english world
- camelCase for function names
- Function names should express what the function does
- Function names should be short and concise
- Function names should be meaningful
- Function names should be in the imperative mood
- Constant names should be english world
- UPPERCASE for constant names
- File names should be english world
- snake_case for file names
- Think about reusability by creating components, functions and constants as much as possible
- Try to follow clean code rules by creating functions that do one thing and one thing only
- Shorten your widgets by using components
- lib - contains all the code
- lib/widgets - contains all the components
- lib/screens - contains all the screens
- lib/models - contains all the models
- lib/services - contains all the services
- lib/utils - contains all the utilities
- constants.dart - contains all the constants
- main.dart - contains the main function
This is the entry point of the project. It contains the main function and the MaterialApp widget. Do not modify this file while merging. You can add the screen you are working on to the home property of the MaterialApp widget but make sure to suppress this before your final commit and push.