Man pages are compressed before installation.
'info manual' added.
Shell completion for 'ponythink' added, in addition to 'ponysay'.
'fish' completion added.
'/usr/lib/ponysay' is used instead of '/usr/bin'
for code used by the main script.
'~/.local/share/ponysay is used for private pony directories.
'ncurses' is no longer needed for determining the screen's size,
'coreutils' is used instead.
Pony symlinks added: amethyststar → sparkler
berrypinch → ruby
craftycrate → boxxy
magnum → raritysdad
pearl → raritysmom
powderrouge → sindy
royalribbo → violet
New ponies: blossomforth, bonvoyage, cadance, celestiasmall,
changelingqueen, cherryberry, discordamused,
discordpuppetmaster, fleurdelishair, fleurdelislay,
owl, perrypierce, petunia, pinacolada, skyra,
Pony spelling removed: fillycadence.
Pony symlink change: perry → (pokey → perrypierce).
Option '-L' added, lists ponies with symlink mapping.
Support for extension: ponyquotes4ponysay.
Accepts arbitrary spaces in '-f' argument.