Ticketify is a ticket selling platform that sells tickets for this three sports:
- Football
- Volleyball
- Basketball
Backend: Nodejs - ExpressJS
Frontend Vanilla js - PUG
Email service: Mailtrap Create an account in https://mailtrap.io and simply copy needed inforamtion in config.env file
Template engine: PUG
Database: MongoDB
- For logging in as an admin, use admin@admin.com and 123456
- For logging in as an user, you can simply create an acocount and use it
- For buying tickets you need to verify your email and add PassportNO or ID to your account
- Emails on heroku deployment are verified by default
- You can Add/remove/edit stuff in panel admin
- You can't Add/Change/Remove images on heroku deployment, it needs credit card for enabling that feature
- Import files in data folder to get started
- For logging in as an admin, use admin@admin.com and adminadmin
- For logging in as a user you can use test1|2|3@test.com and testtest
Since that i'm not a UI/UX designer I think it's design is a disaster, not a disaster actually :) but it's not that good and it really need some improvments.
- Some changes in design
Because of my lack of time I just skip some features like:
In a real senario, admins must see the tickets details such as User's name, ID , etc to authenticate it, but because it was just a repetitive code and design I just skipped it.
Ticket details page
It's not responsive
Do some CSS
for same reason, You can't see all of users details in admin panel, It's just a summary.
Users Details
It would be nice if we can set coupons for users
Users Details
I'll be so glad to see your reviews about my code guys :) That was the main reason that I created Ticketify as my first Nodejs website.