This application is designed to read lenders from a csv file and offer loans to customers
java -jar RateCalculator.jar resources/sample.csv 1000
- First parameter should be the path to csv file
- Second parameter should be an integer
- If anything is unexpected, an informative exception will be thrown before executing the application
- First line should be headers, (and it will be ignored in the application)
- Each line should have three values separated by comma with the following types: String,Double or Integer, Double or Integer
- Must be between 1000-15000 (inclusive)
- Must be an increment of 100 (1000,1100,1200, ... 14900, 15000)
- If this is violated, an informative exception will be thrown
Imagine that the following code is executed in the bash:
java -jar RateCalculator.jar resources/sample.csv 1000
Assume that sample.csv is same as the above.
The application will sort all the lenders according to their rates, and start taking loans from them until the 1000(loan amount is reached)
In this case the following 2 lenders are selected:
amount received from Jane: 480 amount to pay to Jane: 480 * (1+0.069) = 513.12
amount received from Fred: 520 amount to pay to Fred: 520 * (1+0.071) = 556.92
556.92+513.12 = 1070.04
total repayment/ requested amount - 1 1070.04/1000 - 1 = 0.07
total repayment / 60 = 1070.04 / 60 = 17.834
A summary will be printed to standard output in the following format:
Requested amount: £1500.0
Rate: 0.7%
Monthly repayment: £41.67
Total repayment: £2500.00
Note that, all the the values are rounded.
The following line will be printed to standard output:
It is not possible to provide a quote at this time due to insufficient offers
- If the input file contains corrupted lines an informative exception will be thrown
- There is no logging, exceptions are used instead