Web-based tool to view and compare various TTRPG systems (currently uses generated mock data).
- Aspect stellar chart ~ quickly view what the focus of a given system is across different aspects of play (such as Complexity, Combat, Exploration etc.)
- General information views ~ Name, Genre, Family, GM/GMless etc.
- Similarity view ~ display 3 most similar systems based on aspects, genre and family similarity
Some of the important info about each of the 4 separate parts of the app.
I. Client (SvelteKit)
Should have an .env
file with the API_URL
specified. Uses pnpm
for package management - either use pnpm run dev
or spin up the Dockerfile. Uses SvelteKit with the node adapter
II. API (Go + Fiber)
Either spin up the Dockerfile, or setup go
. Connects to DB and rebuilds it on startup from the provided folder (e.g. data/mock/
). Expects an .env
file with the following: CLIENT_URL
III. Database (Redis Stack)
You can spin up Redis stack instance for dev purposes with the recommended docker run -d --name redis-stack -p 6379:6379 -p 8001:8001 redis/redis-stack:latest
or create a free instance on Redis Cloud.
An index needs to be manually added with the command FT.CREATE idx:systems ON HASH PREFIX 1 system: SCHEMA title TEXT NOSTEM genre TEXT family TEXT
IV. Mock data generation toolkit (Python)
You can generate mock systems with python3 init_systems.py N
where N is number of systems to generate (default folder is ../mock
You can delete the mock data with python3 delete_systems.py
, if you provide the -f
flag it will also flush the local redis db instance (docker exec -it redis-stack redis-cli FLUSHALL
Similarity weights for genre and family are in the calc_similarity