A CLI Python program for sending SMS messages using the Twilio and LDS LCR API's.
You'll need a twilio account and access to the LDS LCR tool in order to use this program.
For twilio, sign up here: https://www.twilio.com Once you have an account with a phone number, grab your 'ACCOUNT SID' and 'AUTH TOKEN'. You can find them here: https://twilio.com/console Create a credentials file, '.creds', in the base of your cloned repo with the following format:
account_sid=########## auth_token=########### twilio_num=########### country_code=1 # 1 is the USA country code, adjust for your location
For the LDS Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR tool), you'll need a calling that gives you access to membership information. Log into https://lcr.churchofjesuschrist.org/ and find your ward unit number. Mine was in the upper right hand corner, just under the tool bar and looked like this:
Redacted Stake (46##90) Redacted 9th Ward (10###69)
Add your username, password, and ward unit number to the '.creds' file:
username=######## password=######## ward_unit=#######
note, this program only works for members who have a phone number listed on their LDS profile. You should encourage members to update their information.
Some members may not want to be contacted. Simply create a file 'do_not_contact.txt'. Add their phone number with any relevant information:
123-456-7890 # Name # NO LONGER IN WARD 987-654-3210 # Name # DO NOT CALL
The lcr-sms.py script will not message any numbers listed in 'do_not_contact.txt'.
lcr-sms.py [-h] [-l LIST] [-o ORGANIZATION] [-b BODY] [-v] arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -l LIST, --list LIST The phone number list can be a file (one per line) or a list of phone numbers in quotes (must be space or comma delimited, phone numbers themselves cannot have spaces). -o ORGANIZATION, --org ORGANIZATION The group you want to message. This can be 'eq'for the Elders Quorum 'rs' for the Relief Society or 'all' for everyone in the ward. -b BODY, --body BODY The body of the message you want to send in quotes. Max 160 characters. -v, --verbose Print more verbose output.
lcr-sms.py -o eq -b "Saturday at 9:30am. Please come" lcr-sms.py -o rs -b "The Party is on!" -v lcr-sms.py -l "123-456-7890, 987-654-3210" -b "The Party is canceled :(" -v