WikiData import in Apache Jena tripletstore (TDB) to be queried with SparQL.
- Apache Jena : Java framework for building Semantic Web and Linked Data applications
- Apache Jena Fuseki : SparQL server
- Apache Jena TDB : A RDF storage and query DBMS
From WikiData dumps, download the latest-all.ttl.gz
file (~104 Go)
Run the following commands :
mkdir fuseki-data
sudo chown 9008 fuseki-data # Internal fuseki user
sudo chown 9008 -R fuseki-configuration # Internal fuseki user
docker-compose up -d
There are two parts :
- Data storage (took: 2d16h17m)
- Data indexing (SPO took: 32h50m, POS: 77h19m, OPS: 32h01m)
Number of triples at the time of the writing is (a bit more than)
16 805 375 870
This requires 701Go of disk space at the time of the writing.
Place the downloaded latest-all.ttl.gz
file into the wikidata/
Unzip the downloaded file :
cd wikidata
gzip -d latest-all.ttl.gz
Import the data :
docker-compose exec fuseki bash
# Inside container
cd /jena-tools/apache-jena-4.3.2/bin
/jena-tools/apache-jena-4.3.2/bin/tdb2.xloader --loc /fuseki-base/databases/wikidata /wikidata/latest-all.ttl # this takes a LOT of time
Now, you can go to the dashboard page of your server at port :3030
and test the following query :
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?charLabel ?groupLabel
?group wdt:P31 wd:Q14514600; # is a group of fictional characters
wdt:P1080 wd:Q931597. # from fictional Marvel universe
?char wdt:P463 ?group. # Member of the group
?char rdfs:label ?charLabel. # Label of the character
?group rdfs:label ?groupLabel. # Label of the group
FILTER (LANG(?charLabel) = 'fr'). # Get labels on french language
FILTER (LANG(?groupLabel) = 'fr'). # Get labels on french language
LIMIT 1000
Connect with user admin
and the password set in your docker-compose configuration
Or query manually inside the container :
/jena-tools/apache-jena-4.3.2/bin/tdb2.tdbquery --loc /fuseki-base/databases/wikidata "
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT ?charLabel ?groupLabel
?group wdt:P31 wd:Q14514600; # is a group of fictional characters
wdt:P1080 wd:Q931597. # from fictional Marvel universe
?char wdt:P463 ?group. # Member of the group
?char rdfs:label ?charLabel. # Label of the character
?group rdfs:label ?groupLabel. # Label of the group
FILTER (LANG(?charLabel) = 'fr'). # Get labels on french language
FILTER (LANG(?groupLabel) = 'fr'). # Get labels on french language
LIMIT 1000