Filling the gaps from the awesome spf13/viper project.
There is an spf13/viper--issue that reference this project.
Asp.Net core allows for deep updating a configuration via an opinionated pathing ENV variable.
Given a configuration structs below;
type Nest struct {
Name string
CountInt int
CountInt16 int16
Eggs []Egg
type NestedMap struct {
Eggs map[string]Egg
type ValueContainer struct {
Value interface{}
func (vc *ValueContainer) GetString() (string, bool) {
value, ok := vc.Value.(string)
return value, ok
type Egg struct {
Weight int32
SomeValues []ValueContainer
SomeStrings []string
type Settings struct {
Name string
Nest *Nest
type SettingsWithNestedMap struct {
Name string
NestedMap *NestedMap
I would like to surgically update a value deep in the tree.
I want it to dig down and enter into the right array or map object and keep going.
Here I would like to change value of Value
, which is in the 2nd object in the SomeValues
array, which is in an Egg
object which is in the 2nd object in the Eggs
array, which is inside or the nest
object. Phewww!
Here it accounts for arrays, where Eggs is an array. The Egg stuct also contains an array
os.Setenv("nest__Eggs__1__Weight", "5555")
os.Setenv("nest__Eggs__1__SomeValues__1__Value", "Heidi") // update an item in a struct
os.Setenv("nest__Eggs__1__SomeStrings__1", "Zep") // SomeStrings is a []string, so this is the convention for directly modifying a primitive in an array
allSettings := myViper.AllSettings() // normal viper stuff
myViperEx, err := New(allSettings, func(ve *ViperEx) error {
ve.KeyDelimiter = "__"
return nil
// or individually
myViperEx.UpdateDeepPath("nest__Eggs__0__Weight", 1234)
myViperEx.UpdateDeepPath("nest__Eggs__0__SomeValues__1__Value", "abcd")
myViperEx.UpdateDeepPath("nest__Eggs__0__SomeStrings__1", "abcd")
// since we took ownership of the all settings we need to use our own Unmarshal
err = myViperEx.Unmarshal(&settings)
Maps are very similar to arrys, except that a string
is used instead of a num
for pathing.