Revision 13
- The BFR function now can obtain the PCC (Percentage of Correct
Classification) to the Ordinal or binary data (
BFR(..., response_type = 'ordinal')
). forceClean
parameter fromcleanDat()
has changed tonoConfirm
Revision 12
- The package includes a better BFR shiny app (use
Revision 10
- The package now inclues a shiny app.
Past revisions
- Rename from BGFRA -> BFR -> GFR
- Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public; this is a pre-release, be careful.
To complete installation of dev version of GFR from GitHub, you have to install Rtools Software and a few packages first.
The package includes a shiny app to very easy use of the package, includes the most essencial parts, to use this,
Three data sets are available inside the package, to use it use data()
rm(list = ls())
head(Wheat_GFR) # Load from data Wheat_GFR
## Response Line Env
## 1 1.587324 3827768 Drought
## 2 3.140629 6176013 Drought
## 3 3.145934 4905617 Drought
## 4 0.984776 6931494 Drought
## 5 2.936291 6932344 Drought
## 6 1.882823 6935856 Drought
paste0('Dimension of the Bands matrix: ', dim(Wheat_Bands)) # Load from data Wheat_GFR
## [1] "Dimension of the Bands matrix: 300"
## [2] "Dimension of the Bands matrix: 250"
paste0('Number of wavelenths:', length(Wheat_Wavelengths)) # Load from data Wheat_GFR
## [1] "Number of wavelenths:250"
head(WheatI_GFR) # Load from data WheatI_GFR
## Line Response Env
## 1 1 6.862352 Irrigated
## 2 2 6.844494 Irrigated
## 3 3 6.290179 Irrigated
## 4 4 7.026786 Irrigated
## 5 5 6.013394 Irrigated
## 6 6 6.639137 Irrigated
paste0('Dimension of the Bands matrix: ',dim(WheatI_Bands)) # Load from data WheatI_GFR
## [1] "Dimension of the Bands matrix: 976"
## [2] "Dimension of the Bands matrix: 250"
paste0('Number of wavelenths:',length(WheatI_Wavelengths)) # Load from data WheatI_GFR
## [1] "Number of wavelenths:250"
head(Maize_GFR) # Load from data Maize_GFR
## Line Env Trait Response
## 1 CKDHL0002 EBU Yield 6.65
## 2 CKDHL0003 EBU Yield 6.10
## 3 CKDHL0004 EBU Yield 5.07
## 4 CKDHL0005 EBU Yield 6.55
## 5 CKDHL0007 EBU Yield 6.82
## 6 CKDHL0008 EBU Yield 6.88
paste0('Dimension of the Bands matrix: ',dim(Maize_Bands)) # Load from data Maize_GFR
## [1] "Dimension of the Bands matrix: 2781"
## [2] "Dimension of the Bands matrix: 48"
paste0('Number of wavelenths:',length( Maize_Wavelengths)) # Load from data Maize_GFR
## [1] "Number of wavelenths:48"
To more simple way to fit a model is with one environment and one trait data,
data <- Wheat_GFR[which(Wheat_GFR$Env == 'Drought'), ]
fm <- BFR(data, nIter = 1000, burnIn = 300, verbose = F)
To do a predictive model with a cross-validation, only we need to provide a list object with the type and the number of crossvalidation to do, in the package is available two cross-validatin types, in the following code, we see the CV K-Folds,
data <- Wheat_GFR[which(Wheat_GFR$Env == 'Drought'), ]
Crossvalidation_list <- list(Type = 'KFold', nFolds = 3)
pm <- BFR(data, nIter = 1000, burnIn = 300, set_seed = 10, CrossValidation = Crossvalidation_list, verbose = F)
## Warning in cor(Tab_i$y_p, Tab_i$y_o, use = "pairwise.complete.obs"): the
## standard deviation is zero
## Fold Env Trait Pearson SE_Pearson MSEP SE_MSEP Time
## 1 1 Drought 0.1775 NA 0.2653 NA 0.1500
## 2 2 Drought NA NA 0.6432 NA 0.1600
## 3 3 Drought -0.0001 NA 0.4550 NA 0.1800
## 4 Average_all Drought 0.0887 0.0725 0.4545 0.1091 0.1633
For more advanced predictions, we also provide a eta generator, for the estimations, this function automatically prepare the data and do a lot of validations, this is the recomended way to do a proper analysis,
CrossV <- list(Type = 'KFold', nFolds = 3)
ETA2 <- ETAGenerate(Wheat_GFR, datasetID = 'Line', priorType = 'BayesB', Bands = Wheat_Bands,
Wavelengths = Wheat_Wavelengths, method = 'Alternative2', basisType = 'Bspline.Basis', nBasis = 21)
pm2 <- BFR(ETA = ETA2, data, nIter = 1000, burnIn = 300, set_seed = 10, CrossValidation = CrossV, verbose = F)
## Fold Env Trait Pearson SE_Pearson MSEP SE_MSEP
## 1 1 Irrigated 0.2519 NA 0.1672 NA
## 2 1 Drought 0.3727 NA 0.3692 NA
## 3 1 ReducedIrrigated 0.0914 NA 0.1330 NA
## 4 2 ReducedIrrigated 0.3414 NA 0.1868 NA
## 5 2 Drought 0.6947 NA 0.2161 NA
## 6 2 Irrigated 0.1901 NA 0.3198 NA
## 7 3 Drought 0.5841 NA 0.3702 NA
## 8 3 ReducedIrrigated 0.1342 NA 0.1391 NA
## 9 3 Irrigated -0.3217 NA 0.5997 NA
## 10 Average_all Irrigated 0.0401 0.1818 0.3622 0.1266
## 11 Average_all Drought 0.5505 0.0945 0.3185 0.0512
## 12 Average_all ReducedIrrigated 0.1890 0.0772 0.1529 0.0170
## Time
## 1 1.46
## 2 NA
## 3 NA
## 4 1.24
## 5 NA
## 6 NA
## 7 1.71
## 8 NA
## 9 NA
## 10 1.47
## 11 NA
## 12 NA
Also, you can add some special terms, but be carefull,
CrossV <- list(Type = 'RandomPartition', NPartitions = 3, PTesting = .25)
ETA3 <- ETAGenerate(Maize_GFR, basisType = 'Bspline.Basis', Bands = Maize_Bands, Wavelengths = Maize_Wavelengths, priorType = 'BRR', method = 'Simple', nBasis = 21)
## [1] "Bayes-MultiBands"
## [1] "Bspline.Basis"
## [1] "BRR"
## [1] "Simple"
pm3 <- BFR(ETA = ETA3, data, nIter = 1000, burnIn = 300, set_seed = 10, CrossValidation = CrossV, verbose = F)
## Fold Env Trait Pearson SE_Pearson MSEP SE_MSEP Time
## 1 1 EBU ASI 0.0713 NA 9.7606 NA 30.3300
## 2 1 KAK ASI 0.1738 NA 12.6603 NA NA
## 3 1 KTI ASI -0.1371 NA 19.8582 NA NA
## 4 1 EBU PH 0.1953 NA 77.2690 NA NA
## 5 1 KAK PH 0.1504 NA 201.2580 NA NA
## 6 1 KTI PH 0.1461 NA 266.3032 NA NA
## 7 1 EBU Yield 0.2388 NA 23.3576 NA NA
## 8 1 KAK Yield 0.2385 NA 10.2770 NA NA
## 9 1 KTI Yield 0.2846 NA 16.8525 NA NA
## 10 2 EBU ASI 0.0757 NA 8.6373 NA 29.0400
## 11 2 KAK ASI -0.1204 NA 14.0191 NA NA
## 12 2 KTI ASI -0.1624 NA 18.7926 NA NA
## 13 2 EBU PH 0.1275 NA 79.0484 NA NA
## 14 2 KAK PH 0.0071 NA 143.2196 NA NA
## 15 2 KTI PH -0.0440 NA 224.1392 NA NA
## 16 2 EBU Yield 0.1901 NA 9.2023 NA NA
## 17 2 KAK Yield 0.1832 NA 14.5796 NA NA
## 18 2 KTI Yield 0.2896 NA 20.2985 NA NA
## 19 3 EBU ASI -0.0877 NA 29.2658 NA 31.6400
## 20 3 KAK ASI -0.0743 NA 13.6334 NA NA
## 21 3 KTI ASI -0.2539 NA 20.6632 NA NA
## 22 3 EBU PH 0.1998 NA 93.8359 NA NA
## 23 3 KAK PH 0.0689 NA 139.9538 NA NA
## 24 3 KTI PH 0.1504 NA 245.1025 NA NA
## 25 3 EBU Yield 0.2450 NA 7.5862 NA NA
## 26 3 KAK Yield 0.3698 NA 11.2297 NA NA
## 27 3 KTI Yield 0.5140 NA 17.5302 NA NA
## 28 Average_all EBU ASI 0.0198 0.0537 15.8879 6.6968 30.3367
## 29 Average_all KAK ASI -0.0070 0.0914 13.4376 0.4043 NA
## 30 Average_all KTI ASI -0.1845 0.0355 19.7713 0.5418 NA
## 31 Average_all EBU PH 0.1742 0.0234 83.3844 5.2509 NA
## 32 Average_all KAK PH 0.0755 0.0415 161.4771 19.9128 NA
## 33 Average_all KTI PH 0.0842 0.0641 245.1816 12.1718 NA
## 34 Average_all EBU Yield 0.2247 0.0174 13.3820 5.0096 NA
## 35 Average_all KAK Yield 0.2638 0.0553 12.0288 1.3047 NA
## 36 Average_all KTI Yield 0.3627 0.0756 18.2271 1.0540 NA
If you are a expert and know what are you doing, you can generate the ETA manually,
CrossV <- list(Type = 'KFold', nFolds = 3)
ETA4 <- list(Env = list(X = model.matrix(~0+as.factor(Wheat_GFR$Env)), model = 'FIXED'),
Line = list(X = model.matrix(~0+as.factor(Wheat_GFR$Line)), model = 'BRR'),
Bands = list(X = Bspline.Basis(Wheat_Bands, Wheat_Wavelengths, nBasis = 23), model = 'BayesA'))
pm4 <- BFR(data = Wheat_GFR, ETA = ETA4, nIter = 1000, burnIn = 300, CrossValidation = CrossV, set_seed = 10, verbose = F)
## Fold Env Trait Pearson SE_Pearson MSEP SE_MSEP
## 1 1 Irrigated 0.0829 NA 0.1649 NA
## 2 1 Drought 0.2781 NA 0.3881 NA
## 3 1 ReducedIrrigated 0.5140 NA 0.0760 NA
## 4 2 ReducedIrrigated 0.3857 NA 0.1803 NA
## 5 2 Drought 0.7182 NA 0.2142 NA
## 6 2 Irrigated 0.1544 NA 0.3431 NA
## 7 3 Drought 0.5427 NA 0.3707 NA
## 8 3 ReducedIrrigated 0.2257 NA 0.1787 NA
## 9 3 Irrigated -0.4164 NA 0.7249 NA
## 10 Average_all Irrigated -0.0597 0.1795 0.4110 0.1652
## 11 Average_all Drought 0.5130 0.1279 0.3243 0.0553
## 12 Average_all ReducedIrrigated 0.3751 0.0834 0.1450 0.0345
## Time
## 1 0.32
## 2 NA
## 3 NA
## 4 0.50
## 5 NA
## 6 NA
## 7 0.59
## 8 NA
## 9 NA
## 10 0.47
## 11 NA
## 12 NA
plot(pm4, select = 'MSEP')
boxplot(pm4, select = 'MSEP')
If you don’t need anymore the files that the BFR()
function creates,
you can clean the directory with the following function provided in the
cleanDat(noConfirm = TRUE)
## ETA_Bands_parBayesB.dat ETA_Bands_ScaleBayesA.dat
## ETA_Bands_varB.dat ETA_Env_b.dat
## ETA_EnvxTrait_varB.dat ETA_EnvxTraitxLine_varB.dat
## ETA_Line_parBayesB.dat ETA_Line_varB.dat
## ETA_LinexEnv_parBayesB.dat ETA_LinexEnv_varB.dat
## ETA_LinexTrait_varB.dat ETA_Trait_b.dat
## mu.dat varE.dat
First option, by the article paper
(Comming soon)
Second option, by the manual package
(Comming soon)
If you have any suggestions or feedback, I would love to hear about it. Feel free to report new issues in this link, also if you want to request a feature/report a bug, or make a pull request if you can contribute.
- Francisco Javier Luna-Vázquez (Author, Maintainer)
- Osval Antonio Montesinos-López (Author)
- Abelardo Montesinos-López (Author)
- José Crossa (Author)
- Gustavo de los campos (Author)