Morph wraps CoreAnimation with a nicer syntax to help you build up awesome animations (Objective-C version).
To implement above layer effect, all you need to code:
// Radiation
radiation.mr_startAnimations({ (animate) in
}, completion: {
// Background circle
circle.mr_startAnimations({ (animate) in[0.8, scale, scale]).during([0, 0.5, 1.0]).animate(duration)
}, completion: {
Check out the Morph iOS Examples to get more details.
Morph is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "Morph"
You can also use Carthage to install Morph by adding that to your Cartfile:
github "gbammc/Morph"
// Compose your animations in here.
view.mr_startAnimations({ (animate) in
Attribute | keyPath |
bounds | bounds |
size | bounds.size |
origin | position |
center | position |
x | position.x |
y | position.y |
width | bounds.size.width |
height | bounds.size.height |
opacity | opacity |
backgroundColor | backgroundColor |
borderColor | borderColor |
borderWidth | borderWidth |
cornerRadius | cornerRadius |
anchor | anchorPoint |
path | position |
Attribute | keyPath | Description |
scale | transform.scale | Idempotent |
scaleX | transform.scale.x | Idempotent |
scaleY | transform.scale.y | Idempotent |
rotateX | transform.rotation.x | Accept degree value. Idempotent |
rotateY | transform.rotation.y | Accept degree value. Idempotent |
rotateZ | transform.rotation.z | Accept degree value. Idempotent |
rotate | transform.rotation.z | The same as rotateZ |
xOffset | position.x | Increase / decrease origin x by specific value |
yOffset | position.y | Increase / decrease origin y by specific value |
heightOffset | bounds.size.width | Increase / decrease width by specific value |
widthOffset | bounds.size.height | Increase / decrease height by specific value |
rotateOnPath | position | Animating along paths rotate to match the path tangent |
reverseRotateOnPath | position | Animating along paths rotate to match the path tangent and auto reverse |
fillColor | fillColor | CAShapeLayer only |
strokeColor | strokeColor | CAShapeLayer only |
strokeStart | strokeStart | CAShapeLayer only |
strokeEnd | strokeEnd | CAShapeLayer only |
lineWidth | lineWidth | CAShapeLayer only |
miterLimit | miterLimit | CAShapeLayer only |
lineDashPhase | lineDashPhase | CAShapeLayer only |
An attribute should ended by animate(duration) function.
To chain an attribute with different values in different time can call after(duration) function.
To delay an animation call the delay(duration) function.
// it will disappear in one second and appear again after two second delay
To repeat or autoreverse animations with the repeat(times), repeatInfinity() and autoreverse() functions.
Below is an example of how to set values and key times like CAKeyframeAnimation.
.by([0.8, 1, 1])
.during([0, 0.5, 1.0])
/* the same as:
CAKeyframeAnimation *keyframeAnimation = [CAKeyframeAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.scale"];
keyframeAnimation.values = @[ @0.0, @1.1, @1.0 ];
keyframeAnimation.keyTimes = @[ @0.0, @0.5, @1.0 ];
keyframeAnimation.duration = duration;
Set logEnable
to true
will print the animations details for you to debug.
animate.logEnable = true
Thanks their incredible works!
Morph is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.