Things to make bwpsm behave like dwm's master/stack layout. Based heavily on the work of ortango.
Copy things into the locations:
- bspwm ->
- sxhkd ->
- bin -> Somewhere on your PATH where you keep scripts e.g.
if you've added that.
- Basic master stack
- Adjusting split position
- Promoting window to master
- Moving focus up/down stack
- Swapping windows up/down stack with
Super + Shift + j/k
Note: these only contain bspwm-specific sxhkd keybindings. I usually run another sxhkd instance for general bindings (e.g. opening programs)
Key | Description |
Super + q | Close window |
Super + j/k | Change focus up/down window stack |
Super + shift + j/k | Swap up/down window stack |
Super + h/l | Move the centre split left/right |
Super + Space | Change focus to master |
Super + shift + Space | Promote current window to master |
Super + ,/. | Change focus to next/prev monitor |
Super + shift + ,/. | Move window to next/prev monitor |
Super + f | Toggle monocle mode |