Module: Modern Database Systmes
Degree: Master Digital Science
Name: Finn Heydemann
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Johann Schaible
In this project SQL and NoSQL, namely InfluxDB, are compared to query timeseries data. The data source is Climate Weather Surface of Brazil - Hourly from which two weather stations from every region are randomly selected.
Both databases query average or median temperature either based on a region ("north", "northeast", "central west", "southeast or "south") or based on a single station belonging to a region. Futhermore a time range and a group by for example years or months can be specified.
Python scripts are programmed to:
a) remodel the data for either the SQL or NoSQL Database,
b) write data to the influx database,
c) query the data into a graphical user interface.
Please read the project report for further insights.