The Parrot feedback flywheel is an initiative to create a space for everyone to share ideas and contribute to the Parrot protocol.
A feedback flywheel is a well-defined process that improves the Parrot Protocol. Going through multiple stages:ideation,refinement and execution.
User has an idea
Community refines ideas
Team reviews feedbacks from community
Team approves user's idea
Development and deployment
Team gives feedback and pays out reward to users
Post a new feature request or idea on Github-issue
The idea/ feature request should include:
A short and descriptive title
An overview of your idea
An explainer of how the idea will benefit the protocol
Submit feedback on the Github-issue
Upvote high-values ideas and requests
- Core team review requests and community‘’s feedback, interesting topics will be discussed during weekly office hours
- Confirm which request or idea will be on the development pipeline based on user’s feedback
If approved, develop and deploy
Check in the development progress with the community weekly
Be proactive on possible roadblocks and transparent in the process
- The user who posted an idea that was picked by the core team will take the reward
We encourage everyone to participate,contribute and help us build a strong, active, and thriving community.