DApp Toolkit for Solana.
Example: Connect to Solana devnet
const conn = solana.connect("dev")
See: @solana/web3.js
const conn = solana.connect("dev")
const mnemonic = Wallet.generateMnemonic()
const wallet = await Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, conn)
const conn = solana.connect("dev")
const mnemonic = "spin canyon tuition upset pioneer celery liquid conduct boy bargain dust seed"
const wallet = await Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, conn)
await conn.requestAirdrop(wallet.pubkey, 1e9)
Visit explorer to see account info:
const conn = solana.connect("dev")
const mnemonic = "spin canyon tuition upset pioneer celery liquid conduct boy bargain dust seed"
const wallet = await Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, conn)
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// generate a subwallet on a hardened path
const subwallet = wallet.derive(`${i}'`)
console.log(i, subwallet.address)
0 GziwkGpdZDhfGiVm6XbhHE7AxqWz3jsFqcj8RgS9vkjp
1 BiZj86nxypouBDuuzv4uzzsdwQHiMGK7v1RA3JqAhwqE
2 vTwNcpSuZ9uKBBm4KzGsF7bNmBTqXCo5KvK88LZVhCX
3 9A6c6CCekFfcMt2uhjhNMoZnHnNMW5sDqEUVPHb8FW1N
4 FDnToGeENVcF6NYAAedGAn8ZoXbf3vDuVzE7GsCyegD9
5 Ef413p9kVUSPmwJbcmHwF8b8YUDiiNCs5F4jQdfv3bzx
6 CFt5muH2K53VFd7Fi5W7s8LhrJnNZZidm9tRNA671k1G
7 GMC8dHpXHnMteKSpiFbD1d6v9Kxx3y2GCXAaFFtfrKoX
8 g3FjgBPctNjhQA5639oR7gk2dpVFkkePBo71rzGJ9u1
9 8dUEQMXWoiWve3xh1Udq1NWY9WynFXhE6o6jUkeF5Y4N
The BaseProgram
is an abstract class that you can extend to build concise API that interacts with programs deployed on Solana.
The BaseProgram
constructor requires Wallet
and the programID
, so that an instance of base program will use the wallet's account to sign transactions, as well as using the specified programID to create instructions.
// Create an instance of the Faucet program
const faucet = new Faucet(wallet, facuetProgramID)
// Request the faucet to send tokens a receiver
await faucet.request({
receiver: receiver.pubkey,
tokenAccount: faucetTokenAccountPubkey,
tokenOwner: faucetTokenOwner,
The Faucet
program extends BaseProgram
import {
} from "solray"
interface RequestParams {
receiver: PublicKey
tokenAccount: PublicKey
tokenOwner: ProgramAccount
export class Faucet extends BaseProgram {
public async request(params: RequestParams) {
return this.sendTx([
// instructions
], [
// signers
private requestInstruction(params: RequestParams) {
const data = params.tokenOwner.noncedSeed
return this.instruction(data, [
// writable: true, isSigned: false
{ write: params.receiver },
// writable: false, isSigned: false
// writable: true, isSigned: false
{ write: params.tokenAccount },
// writable: false, isSigned: false
If you installed Solray globally, you can build program by running:
$ solary build <program> [path]
The script will auto download or update build sdk.
SDK version is based on your testnetDefaultChannel
in package.json