This project is an example application to translate simple English phrases to German and uses common Android features.
- MVVW architecture
- ModelView
- Repository
- LiveData
- Persistence via ROOM database framework
- Multithreading and background tasks
- Networking using Google Translation Api
- Testing
- JUnit
- UI
- Design
- Card layout
- Custom AutoCompleteTextView
- Custom RecyclerView SwipeAction to delete cards
Checkout the related project)
- translation-fun-kotlin realized in Kotlin
- translation-fun-rxjava realized Java and RxJava - TODO coming soon
To use the Google Translation Api you have to optain an ApiKey from Google Cloud Console. Using the Translation Api is not free, but the price for a single translation is very low. Anyway be aware of that!! You find more information here ->
- Register for Google Cloud Console
- Search for the Translation Api
- Activate the Api. You have to create or select an purchase account, where you setup your payment method.
- Create an ApiKey for the Translation Api. You can restrict your key to the Translation Api only.
- Create the following resource xml file with any name inside the app project under app/res/values and enter your api key.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="api_key">...ENTER YOUR API KEY HERE...</string>