StoryApp is a simple Android app created for the Dicoding Android Intermediate class. The app allows users to share their stories in the form of photos and publish them publicly.
- User authentication: users can create an account and log in to the app
- Create stories: users can create a story by uploading a photo and adding a caption
- View stories: users can browse through stories uploaded by other users
- User can see a maps in where the photo was uploaded
- There is a paging to make it easier to see the story
- Kotlin
- MVVM architecture pattern
- AndroidX
- Retrofit for networking
- Room for local database
- Glide for image loading
- Google Maps
- CameraX
Clone this repository.
Open the project in Android Studio.
Run the app on an emulator or physical device.
This app is created by Kemas Rafly Omar Thoriq as part of the Dicoding Android Intermediate class.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.