A starter Sass project from Gravity Works.
- Sass (Gem)
- Sass Globbing (Gem)
- Susy (Gem)
- Compass (Gem)
- Node
- Gulp
npm install
Mobile first. Use the 'breakpoint' mixin along with breakpoint variables to use mediaqueries alongside your objects. Example:
body {
// mobile first css here.
@include breakpoint($mobile) {
// Your > mobile css here.
Coming soon.
The 'has-dynamic-ratio' mixin lets you create a flexible, fixed-ratio container. You'll usually use this for SVGs. Ex:
.my-ratio-box {
@include has-dynamic-ratio(71%);
where 70% = the height of the contained item / its width
<div class="my-ratio-box">
<div>your svg</div>
- Update Using The Grid section
- Update Gulp plugins
- Add ruby sass to Gulp?