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Managing Class Requests

Emilie Hardman edited this page May 20, 2016 · 2 revisions

Edit Request Information

CRT provides an Edit Class screen for each request. To enter into Edit Mode you must first be in a class request's Summary Page. From CRT email notification, the course title link will bring you directly to Summary Page. From the CRT homepage, click **Dashboard **or Classes and select a desired class title to open the Summary Page. In Summary, use the blue Edit button under the class request's title to open Edit Mode.

_The remaining sections of this topic describe tasks that library staff members routinely perform on the Edit Class page. On the Edit Class screen, yellow sections indicate items that logged in staff users may edit. _

Note: After you change or update any information on the Edit Class screen, make sure to select the Update Request button to save your changes.

Assigning a Repository to a Homeless class, or Changing the Host Repository

A homeless class does not yet have an assigned library or archive. An instructor may request a class without indicating a library or archive. In this situation, the instructor may need staff guidance in selecting the most appropriate library or archive for the topic of the class. In another scenario, a request may be best fulfilled at a different repository than the one originally selected and the site may be changed to reflect the more appropriate host.

To change or add a repository, make a selection from the Assign/Library Archive drop-down list.

Taking Responsibility for a Class or Assigning Responsibility

The CRT considers a class unclaimed until a library staff member takes responsibility for the class or assigns it to another library staff member.

To assign primary responsibility for a class, make a selection from the Assign Primary Contact drop-down list on the Edit Class screen. A primary contact designation is useful when more than one staff member is assigned to the class. To assign additional staff members to the class, select the appropriate names from the list under the heading "Assign Staff." Only staff members affiliated with the selected repository appear in this list.

Adding a Collaboration

Some classes may be served by more than one repository. Superadmins in CRT may set a list of possible collaborations in the Superadmin Dashboard.

The Collaboration dropdown menu lists all affiliated repositories in a CRT instance. Once a repository has been selected, a list of the possible collaborative actions will be displayed. There is no limit on the number of collaborative actions one may select.

Scheduling Class Visits

The requester of a class can select preferred dates and times for classes and sections. However, the classes and sections remain unscheduled until a library staff member explicitly confirms the date/s and time/s in the Scheduling Class Visits section of the Edit Class screen and sets them as "Actual Dates." Each section or session requested may also be confirmed for a particular room affiliated with the repository.

A request indicates the desired times for a class in the 1st choice and 2nd choice fields.

To confirm or change a date for a class or section:

  1. Check for resource availability by clicking the View calendar to see availability link.
  2. To confirm the 1st choice or 2nd choice, click the corresponding Set as Actual Date button. Alternatively, pick another date.
  3. Confirm a Room Assignment.
  4. Repeat the preceding steps for any additional sections or sessions.
  5. If additional sections are necessary to suit a class which exceeds capacity of available rooms, staff may also Add Section/s and fill in the corresponding fields.

To remove a date for a class or section, click the corresponding Remove button. All class requests must have at least one date.

Staff may also add a pre-class appointment with the requester/s from the Edit Mode.

Note: After you change or update any information on the Edit Class screen, make sure to select the Update Request button to save your changes.

Confirming Classes

Refer to your repository's established workflow. Some sites may confirm classes in Aeon or another circulation system. If using CRT for confirmation, check the box in the final yellow staff action area to send email notification of confirmed or changed class date/time and (if applicable) scheduled pre-class appointment to requester/s.

Note: After you change or update any information on the Edit Class screen, make sure to select the Update Request button to save your changes.

Cancel Class

When a class cannot be accommodated or plans change, but a record of the request is desired, staff members should use the gray Cancel button under the class request's title. Classes may be "uncancelled" and assigned new dates in the future.

Delete Class

Only Superadmins may delete class requests. Deleted classes are not recoverable.

Class Request Notes

Adding a New Note

To add a new note, type the desired text in the Add a Note field.

By default, notes appear only to staff members. To make your note visible to class requestors, remove the check from the field Staff Note.

After you finish typing the text of the note, click Post.

Deleting a Note

To delete an existing note, click the corresponding Delete link in the Notes section of the Class Summary page.

Confirm intention to delete. This action may not be undone.

Closing a Class

To close a class, use the yellow box that appears below the Notes section on the Class Summary screen.

To close the class:

  1. Click the Headcounts field/s to add indicate the number of participants in the sessions or sections.
  2. Check the selection Send assessment email to requester, if desired.
  3. Click Close Course.