This repo shows how Spark (3.0) can be leveraged to read open data accessible from remote APIs.
The death registry published by the French government is taken as an example. It contains in total more than 30 million death events since 1970.
The retrieval is performed using the new data source SPI introduced in Spark 3.0. The data source SPI for extracting data from remote APIs can give cleaner, more reusable code than ad hoc processing and is not necessarily more difficult to master.
./tests/ gives an example of how to use the data source. This example requires sbt, ammonite and docker to be installed locally.
The following instructions create a fat jar with all the code for the Spark data source, spin off a Spark cluster using docker-compose and runs a Spark session in ammonite, a scala REPL:
sbt assembly
There is also an example polynote notebook, ./tests/SparkTest.ipynb.
Unit and integration tests:
sbt test
End-to-end tests:
sbt assembly
Code formatting:
sbt scalafmtAll
is licensed under The MIT License.