A SUBLEQ macro assembler
SUBLEQ is a computer architecture that has only one instruction: SUBLEQ. The instruction stands for SUbtract and Branch if Less than or EQual to zero. Because there is only one instruction, only the operands are specified, which consist of 3 memory addresses that are acted on as follows:
SUBLEQ a, b, c
Mem[b] := Mem[b] - Mem[a]
if (Mem[b] ≤ 0) goto c
To find out more, have a look at the article: SUBLEQ - A One Instruction Set Computer (OISC) and its accompanying video.
The assembler takes an assembly source filename, assembles it and outputs the code as ascii numbers.
Usage: main.tcl [OPTION]... filename
Assemble SUBLEQ assembly from filename
-l filename Output a listing to listing to filename
-h Display this help and exit
-- Mark the end of switches
There are number of example assembler files in examples/
Here is an example of a FizzBuzz program. The file fizzbuzz.asq is in examples/
. It shows the following:
- Comments beginning with
- Assembler directives. Here:
, etc. - The single assembler instruction
- Macros being called. In this example:
, etc. - Labels ending with
; Fizz buzz program
; Copyright (C) 2020 Lawrence Woodman <lwoodman@vlifesystems.com>
; Licensed under a BSD 0-Clause licence. Please see 0BSD_LICENCE.md for details.
.include "arch.inc.asq"
.include "standard.asq"
.include "io.asq"
; Start
sble z z main
; Data Storage
count: .word 100 ; The number to count up to
n: .word 1 ; The number being counted
nC: .word 0
fizzbuzzS: .asciiz "FizzBuzz"
fizzS: .asciiz "Fizz"
buzzS: .asciiz "Buzz"
spaceCh: .ascii " "
; Main
main: inc count
loop: sble #1 count done ; if count <= 0
copy n nC
mod #15 nC
sble z nC fizzbuzz
copy n nC
mod #3 nC
sble z nC fizz
copy n nC
mod #5 nC
sble z nC buzz
io::printInt16 n
jump nextN
fizzbuzz: io::printStr fizzbuzzS
jump nextN
fizz: io::printStr fizzS
jump nextN
buzz: io::printStr buzzS
jump nextN
nextN: inc n
sble spaceCh OUT
jump loop
done: sble z z HALT
- Tcl 8.6+
- Tcllib
The following requirements are located in the vendor/
There is a testsuite in tests/
. To run it:
$ tclsh tests/all.tcl
I would love contributions to improve this project. To do so easily I ask the following:
- Please put your changes in a separate branch to ease integration.
- For new code please add tests to prove that it works.
- Update CHANGELOG.md.
- Make a pull request to the repo on github.
If you find a bug, please report it at the project's issues tracker also on github.
Copyright (C) 2020 Lawrence Woodman lwoodman@vlifesystems.com
This software is licensed under an MIT Licence. Please see the file, LICENCE.md, for details.