Sets of projects using Javascript, React, React Native, Redux, AsyncStorage
- Build a virtual bookcase React application for users to store books and keep track what they are reading.
- Build a "Would You Rather" application from scratch where users are given questions and must choose one of them.
- Build a mobile flashcard app from scratch with React Native, AsyncStorage to simulate API calls to database,
- Allow users to create custom cards and decks, and set up notifications to remind them to study.
- Build a content and comment web app. Users will be able to post content to predefined categories, comment on their posts and other users' posts, and vote on posts and comments.
- Users will also be able to edit and delete posts and comments.
- Build React app that mimics Tweeter app functionality where users can see and write tweets but also reply to other tweets, and "like".
- Use redux to manage the state of the tweets, users, and user authentificated of the application.
- Create a Triathlon React Native app to keep track diverse metrics such as sleep time, alimentation quality and run distance.